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Voter registration campaign to launch tomorrow

    The 2006 Voter Registration campaign will be launched tomorrow (April 10) to encourage those eligible to register as electors.

     "We hope that the publicity campaign will encourage more eligible electors to register by the registration deadline this year, that is, May 16," a spokesman for the Registration and Electoral Office (REO) said.

     Eligible electors must register if they want to vote in Legislative Council and District Council elections. Those eligible to vote in the Election Committee subsector elections to be held in December this year also need to register before they can vote at the elections.

     "For registered electors, they are advised to report to the REO any change in address or other registration particulars, by the deadline of June 29. Otherwise,their eligibility to vote at the elections may be affected," the REO spokesman said.

     A wide range of publicity will be used to boost public awareness of voter registration. Apart from TV Announcements of Public Interest (APIs), there will also be radio APIs, and advertisements in Chinese and English newspapers and trade journals. This will be supplemented by the display of posters and quick screen posters at different locations across Hong Kong.

     Enquiries about voter registration can be made to the hotline 2891 1001. Members of the public are also welcome to browse the voter registration website ( as from tomorrow (April 10) morning for detailed information.

     Registration and updating can be done on specified forms obtainable from the REO, District Offices, management offices of public housing estates and Post Offices. They can also be downloaded from the voter registration website. E-certificate holders can register directly on the Electronic Services Delivery (ESD) website.

Ends/Sunday, April 9, 2006
Issued at HKT 20:00