CHP investigates a case of human Chrysomya bezziana infestation

    The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health today (April 4) is investigating a case of Chrysomya bezziana infestation and urges members of the public to guard against the disease.

Case details are as follows:
Age: 93
Sex: Female
Place of residence: Sai Wan Ho
Date of onset: February
Symptoms: deterioration of wounds on right foot and maggots were later found.
Present condition: admitted to Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital in stable condition.
Travel history: No recent travel history.

Cumulative total received by CHP in 2006: 2
* imported case: 0
* local case: 2

     The number of cases received by the Department of Health in recent years: 9 in 2003, 8 in 2004 and 4 in 2005.

     Chrysomya bezziana is an obligate parasite of mammals. The site of infestation with the larvae is usually at superficial wounds and body orifices of debilitated people.

     The larvae feed on the host's dead or living tissue. Feeding activity of the larvae may cause serious tissue damage, resulting in loss of condition, injury to the skin, secondary invasion and death.

     Members of the public, especially staff of elderly homes, are advised to note the following:

* All wounds should be treated immediately. Wound fluids and blood are known to be attractive to Chrysomya bezziana. To avoid myiasis infestation, wounds should be cleaned and dressed properly;
* Fly infestation could be avoided by measures including installation of fly screens at dwelling places, dressing of wounds and maintaining good ventilation;
* Observe good personal and environmental hygiene;
* Staff of elderly homes should ensure good environmental hygiene, be alert to residents developing symptoms of the disease and arrange for those feeling unwell to seek medical advice promptly.

Ends/Tuesday, April 4, 2006
Issued at HKT 18:50