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Climatological information of HK at the click of a mouse

    The Hong Kong Observatory enhanced its website by launching a new Climatological Information Services webpage today (March 31).  This new webpage serves to provide the public, students, researchers, engineering professionals and the media with weather information and statistics of interest.  

     Through a user-friendly interface, people can easily access a range of climatological information, including averages and extreme values of various weather elements, weather on any day dating back to the year 1884, regional weather information as recorded by the Observatory's automatic weather station network, climate information of world cities, dates and times of weather warnings and signals, statistics of very hot days, cold days, hot nights, reduced visibility and thunderstorm days, information related to climate change, etc.  The new webpage also provides a facility for online request for weather data.

     People are most welcome to visit the new Climatological Information Services webpage at:

Ends/Friday, March 31, 2006
Issued at HKT 10:01