New CHP's facilities ready for action (with photos)

    The Emergency Response Centre (ERC) and the Risk Communication Centre (RCC) under the Centre for Health Protection (CHP) are poised to act during major infectious disease outbreaks to keep the community better informed about public health risks and work closely with other government departments in combating an outbreak.

     Officiating at a ceremony today (March 23) to launch the two new facilities, the Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food, Dr York Chow, said these facilities would also enhance CHP's collaboration with the Ministry of Health, the Health Department of Guangdong Province and other international health authorities such as the World Health Organisation (WHO) in dealing with major public health emergencies.

     The CHP of the Department of Health had strived to achieve effective prevention and control of diseases in Hong Kong and its role was becoming more important in view of the increasing threat posed by avian influenza to the international community, he added.

     One of its major initiatives is the development of the Communicable Disease Information System (CDIS) through effective application of contemporary information technology.  CDIS provides a state-of-art electronic platform for government departments and organisations to more promptly and accurately share information and intelligence on disease control and surveillance, thereby strengthening the CHP's emergency response mechanism.  CHP will continue to enhance the CDIS to strengthen Hong Kong﷿s capability in combating communicable disease outbreaks.

     ERC, equipped with the latest communication facilities for the timely dissemination of information and statistics, will act as the nerve centre of the department in dealing with major outbreaks of infectious diseases.  

     Dr Chow said public vigilance against infectious diseases was crucial to the success of the CHP and a variety of public education programmes were being offered to the community to heighten their awareness on the importance of good personal hygiene.

     Expressing his gratitude to the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust for their generous donation of $500 million in funding the establishment of CHP, Dr Chow said Hong Kong Jockey Club﷿s generosity was pivotal in setting up the CHP and this world-class ERC. The Trust﷿s commitment to fostering public health protection was deeply appreciated.

     Also speaking at the ceremony, the Director of Health, Dr P Y Lam, said swift collection of disease information and timely communication with the public in times of outbreaks of infectious diseases were the keys to the containment of the disease.

     "During major outbreaks of infectious diseases, the ERC will collate up-to-date information about the disease from relevant departments and organisations, compile progress reports for information of the senior government officials. The public will be kept informed of the latest developments via press conferences and briefings held at RCC," he said.

     Dr Lam thanked the Director-General of Health Department of Guangdong Province, Prof. Yao Zhi Bin, for leading a delegation to attend the ceremony.  

     The co-operation of the two sides was expected to be further enhanced with the opening of the new facilities, he said.

     The officiating party then toured the ERC, RCC, Emergency Hotline Centre and Outbreak Intelligence Centre to have a better understanding on how these facilities would operate when pandemic struck.

     In view of the importance of responsive and effective risk communication in public health emergencies, representatives from the media were invited to share their experiences with healthcare professionals in the Risk Communication Workshop in the afternoon.

Ends/Thursday, March 23, 2006
Issued at HKT 18:15