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CE visits Tuen Mun district (with photos)

    The Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang, visited a youth centre in Tuen Mun today (March 22) to learn more about the aspirations of young people and the youth services provided in the district. He also visited a shopping mall and met local residents.

     Mr Tsang toured the Jockey Club Kin Sang Youth S.P.O.T. of the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups in Siu Hin Court, Tuen Mun, where he shared some thoughts with youngsters.

     䩕Young people are the future of Hong Kong and the greatest asset for our sustainable development.  In seeing their active participation in community services and concern for the world around them, I have great expectations and hopes,蒅 Mr Tsang said.

     Renovated last year, it was the first youth centre to win a gold award in the Asia Pacific Interior Design Awards for 2005.  As its name, S.P.O.T., suggests, it allows young people to have the ﷿Space﷿ to ﷿Participate﷿ in activities, the ﷿Opportunities﷿ to learn and broaden their horizons, and areas where they may be ﷿Trained﷿ to their fullest potential to become responsible and dedicated citizens.

     The youth centre, as well as having standard facilities like activities rooms and study rooms, also provides members with a computer room with 20 advanced multi-media computers, and supportive services including broadband Internet access, free facsimile and job vacancies information.

     In catering to the needs of the next generation, the centre is also committed to a variety of services such as after-school childcare services, education and youth employment services, volunteer services, services for youth at risk, leadership training and counselling services.

     According to demographic statistics, Tuen Mun ranks first among the 18 districts in terms of the relative proportion of its youth population. It is also a district with a comparatively high proportion of population aged 20 or below.

     䩕I am pleased to learn that some special support programmes run by the centre have initiated undergraduates in the district to participate in voluntary work to take care of youngsters in need of positive peer influence. Both givers and takers gain from the schemes with the carers given chances to explore their horizons, potential, self-confidence and leadership; and the needy receive care and support to rebuild their confidence,蒅 Mr Tsang said.

     䩕The Government will continue to implement various social policies, including mobilising the strengths of the community to provide opportunities for healthy and balanced development for our children and youth. We will also help young people develop abilities for personal fulfilment, and foster their positive values to play an active role in building our community.蒅

     The Chief Executive also chatted with young shop operators and greeted people during his tour of a major shopping mall in the Tuen Mun town area.

     䩕Tuen Mun is a district full of young people. As they are the driving force for our future development, we need to engage in nurturing their vision and mission to turn Hong Kong into an even more vibrant society.蒅

     䩕I treasure the opportunity today to understand their interests and aspirations.  Their vibrant energy has made me feel younger,蒅 Mr Tsang said when he took refreshments at a nearby Hong Kong-style cafe.

Ends/Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Issued at HKT 17:27


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