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New domain names for weather forecast websites

From tomorrow (March 23) onwards, the domain names of the World Weather Information Service (English version) and Severe Weather Information Centre websites will be changed to and respectively.

The World Weather Information Service website provides the global community with official weather forecasts and monthly climates of major cities supplied by the national meteorological and hydrological services around the world.  

The Severe Weather Information Centre website specialises in providing official observations and warnings of severe weather such as tropical cyclones, heavy rain and thunderstorms.  

The idea of developing official websites as a one-stop portal for global city forecasts and warnings was initiated by the Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) and the idea was widely supported among the Members of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), a specialised agency under the United Nations. Subsequently, HKO was invited to develop and manage the above two websites on behalf of WMO.

The change of domain names from one with a ".org" tag to one with a "" tag clearly identifies the websites as part of the WMO. To enable smooth transition, the old domain names, and will continue to be operative for some time.  However, the Hong Kong Observatory encourages the public to start using the new domain names for browsing these two websites from now on.

Ends/Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Issued at HKT 14:01