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Catering industry supports smoke-free policy

    The Department of Health and the catering industry have jointly set up the "Smoke-free Restaurants Working Group" to enhance the industry's awareness about the harmful effects of second-hand smoking.

     Speaking at a press conference today (March 17), the Deputy Director of Health and Co-chairman of the working group, Dr TH Leung said the working group was formed to tie in with the implementation of the government's tobacco control policy.

     In order to support the proposed amendments to the Smoking (Public Health) Ordinance and to protect employees of catering services from passive smoking, he said the DH had worked together with trade bodies in the industry to speed up the promotion of a smoke-free environment in local food premises.

     These trade bodies included the Association for Hong Kong Catering Services Management Ltd, the Association of Restaurant Managers and the Hong Kong Federation of Restaurants & Related Trades.

     "The working group will assist the industry to gain a better understanding of the rationale behind the implementation of smoke-free measures at the indoor areas of work places and the various provisions under the proposed amendments. It will also introduce government's publicity campaigns on tobacco control to the sector.

     "Publicity and health education are essential elements in an effective tobacco control strategy. These activities would enable members of the public to realise the hazardous effects of smoking, encouraging them not to smoke.  

     "DH's Tobacco Control Office (TCO) will work closely with the catering industry in disseminating anti-smoking messages to the general public as well as the work force in the catering industry," Dr Leung said.

     He said the working group would carry out promotional activities in three phases.

     "In the short term, the working group will hold six seminars between March and August this year to enable the industry to know about the proposed legislative amendments and to assist them to better understand the regulatory requirements. The first seminar will be held on March 23.

     "Large-scale campaigns of different kinds will be launched during the intermediate stage to promote the anti-smoking policy.  

     "We have tentatively planned to designate a Smoke-free Catering Premises Open Day in September this year. Catering premises will be invited to take part in this event.

     "In addition, the TCO will launch a series of roving exhibition on the same theme in housing estates and shopping malls," Dr Leung said.

     In the long term, Dr Leung said the working group, with the cooperation of the managements in the industry, will promote the anti-smoking policy among employees and customers of food premises.

     "Two booklets, "Smoke-free Restaurant Implementation Guideline" and "Smoking Cessation Handbook for Employees in the Catering Industry", will be compiled to promote compliance in the industry once the proposed amendment bill is approved and during the adaptation period before enactment of the new regulations," Dr Leung added.

     Another co-chairman of the working group, Mr Anthony Lock, said in the press conference that the promotion of a smoke-free environment in the community is a long-term and important project.  

     "It needs the concerted effort of the Government, the catering sector and the community at large to make Hong Kong becomes a smoke-free city.

     "The catering sector endorsed the government's tobacco control policy and supported a step-by-step strategy.  

     "The set up of the working group can act as a bridge to promote communication between the government and the catering sector. It also helps the business adapt to the challenges ahead so as to reduce the impact caused by the new regulatory requirements," Mr Lock said.

     Mr Lock is also the convener of the Catering Entertainment Premises Smoking Ban Regulations Concern Group.

     Also present at the press conference were Chairman of the Association of Restaurant Managers, Mr Chung Wai-ping; Chairman of the Association for Hong Kong Catering Services Management Ltd, Mr Yeung Wai-sing; and President of the Hong Kong Federation of Restaurants & Related Trades, Mr Wong Ka-wo.

Ends/Friday, March 17, 2006
Issued at HKT 17:03