April 18 deadline for applications to register poll particulars

    Organisations wishing to register or amend their names, abbreviation of names and emblems with the Electoral Affairs Commission (EAC), and individuals wishing to register or amend their emblems with the EAC, in the 2006 registration cycle are reminded to do so by April 18.

     Under the Particulars Relating to Candidates on Ballot Papers (Legislative Council) Regulation (Cap. 541M), candidates may apply to have specified particulars printed on the ballot papers used in a Legislative Council general election or by-election. These particulars may include names, abbreviations of names and emblems of a prescribed body, the words "Independent Candidate" or the words "Non-affiliated Candidate", as well as the emblem and personal photograph of a candidate.

     An EAC spokesman said that although applications could be submitted any time during the year, only those that reached the EAC by the statutory deadline could be processed within the registration cycle in that year.

     "Applications received after this cut-off date, ie April 18 for the 2006 registration cycle, will be processed in the following registration cycle," he said.

     All applications received will be carefully considered by the EAC in accordance with criteria and procedures set out in the Regulation.

     Details of all successful applications will be gazetted, and open to public inspection at the Registration and Electoral Office (REO) during ordinary business hours.

     Application forms are available at the REO and all District Offices. The form can also be downloaded from the EAC website (www.eac.gov.hk).

     Enquiries about the application process can be made to the REO Hotline 2891 1001.

Ends/Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Issued at HKT 19:19