New website to collect public views on public service broadcasting

The following is issued on behalf of the Committee on Review of Public Service Broadcasting:

     The Committee on Review of Public Service Broadcasting will launch its new Internet website ( tomorrow (March 15) to facilitate the community in sharing and submitting their views on the development of public service broadcasting (PSB) in Hong Kong.

     The new website will provide basic information on public service broadcasting and delivery models around the world, as well as useful links to related organizations. It will also feature a Forum for open exchange of views amongst members of the public, and an electronic mail box for submission of comments and opinion to the Committee.

     䩕The Committee needs and welcomes inputs from both the broadcasting industry and the public. We will consult extensively, and listen with sensitivity and an open mind,蒅 said Mr Raymond Wong, Chairman of the Committee.

     The Committee was set up in January 2006 to conduct a comprehensive review of public service broadcasting (PSB) in Hong Kong. Since then, it has met with the management team of Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) and RTHK Programme Staff Union, and invited the Panel on Information Technology and Broadcasting of the Legislative Council, commercial broadcasting licensees and the Citizens﷿ Radio to meetings.

     The Committee has also written to nearly 400 organizations and individuals in the media, cultural, education, sports, professional, social services and religious sectors, human rights concern groups, political groups and think tanks to invite written submissions.

     䩕In mid March, we will have a roundtable discussion with representatives from local tertiary institutions that offer communication, journalism, media and related courses,蒅 said Mr Wong.

     䩕To draw on the rich experience of PSB in other countries, and to actively engage the public, we will also organize a PSB Conference featuring local and overseas PSB experts, as well as conducting town-hall type meetings in subsequent stages of the review. These activities will be open to public.蒅

     Since the macro review will examine the role and functions of PSB, funding, governance, performance assessment and accountability, Mr Wong emphasized that the Committee was keen to receive inputs from the wider community.

     䩕The new website will enable members of the public to gain a better understanding of PSB. I encourage all of you to share your views with the Committee and communicate with us via the website﷿s electronic mailbox,蒅 Mr Wong said.

     The public is also welcome to forward their views to the Committee by post to 38/F, Revenue Tower, 5 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong, or by fax to 3115 1334.

Ends/Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Issued at HKT 16:04