CE's remarks in Beijing

    Following is the transcript (English portion) of a media session by the Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang, in Beijing last evening (March 5):

Question:  How do you interpret the Premier﷿s Work Report in the section of Hong Kong?  Was it positive?

Chief Executive: It is an exceedingly positive note.  We are not included specifically in the Eleventh Five-Year Plan because of the 䩕one country, two systems蒅 principle.  There were not any prescribed courses on Hong Kong.  But it is clearly supportive of our advantages, particularly in the area of our position as a financial centre, shipping centre and trading centre.  These things are included in the Five-Year Plan.  I think we feel very encouraged.  They in fact highlight Hong Kong﷿s special features in the national development scenario.

Question: You mentioned that you met Premier Wen and also President Hu after the NPC meeting.  Could you tell us whether they have made any supportive or encouraging remarks to show their personal support to you or to the SAR?

Chief Executive: They were highly supportive of the SAR, and they made various encouraging remarks to me.  The President encouraged me to approach as many ministries as possible to develop various economic activities which will benefit Hong Kong and I assured him that I had already taken steps to do so.  I also told him that I would be meeting not only the ministers, I would be meeting the leadership of several provinces in the Pan Pearl River Delta for co-operation.  He was very happy when he heard that. He also made some very encouraging personal remarks to me.  As regards my meeting or brief chat with the Premier, the Premier told me that he was very busy during this period.  But he assured me that if I had any special issue to raise, he would be very happy to meet me if I approached him through the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office.

(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)

Ends/Monday, March 6, 2006
Issued at HKT 01:05