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CE's remarks in Beijing

    Following is the transcript (English portion) of a media session by the Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang, in Beijing last night (March 3):

Question: Mr Tsang, you mentioned that you had a visit to the Public Security Ministry.  Did it remind you of the issue of Ching Cheong...

Chief Executive: Ching Cheong is not 䩕public security蒅.  

Question: I just wonder if there is anything being done to secure the early release of Mr Ching?

Chief Executive: The subject did not come up because it is not the responsibility of the Public Security.  But as I said, I have been working on this subject all along, throughout the arrest of Mr Ching.

Question: Looking back at these rumours from the pro-Beijing camp, do you think you may have to review your current policies on how you go between political forces such as the pro-democracy force and the pro-Beijing camp?

Chief Executive: Don﷿t use the word 䩕pro-Beijing camp蒅.  The whole of Hong Kong is pro-Beijing. We are all patriots at the end of the day. So I do think that we have to work together with all sectors of the community.  I am the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong SAR.  I work together with the Government for the people of Hong Kong.  That﷿s my aim.  Whatever I need to do, I will do my very best, particularly explaining our policies, explaining our action.  I will do my very best.  Thank you very much.

(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)

Ends/Saturday, March 4, 2006
Issued at HKT 01:14