Topping-out ceremony for boundary passenger terminal of Shenzhen Bay Port (with photos)

    The Secretary for Security, Mr Ambrose SK Lee, representing the Hong Kong Government, attended the topping-out ceremony for the Passenger Terminal Building of the Shenzhen Bay Port in Shenzhen today (February 27). The Shenzhen Municipal Government was represented by Executive Vice-Mayor, Mr Liu Yingli; and Vice-Mayors, Mr Lu Ruifeng; and Mr Chen Yingchun.

     At the ceremony, Mr Lee thanked the Shenzhen authorities for their co-operation in taking forward the project and their efforts in implementing the co-location arrangements for the new control point, adding that the passenger terminal building was the largest and most symbolic structure of the new control point. He said today's topping-out not only represented the smooth completion of the core construction works, but also signified the joint efforts in moving full steam ahead towards the completion of the whole project.

     Mr Lee said that based on the good co-operation between the two sides and the existing work progress, he was confident that construction works at the new boundary control point could be completed within the target time and according to quality standards, thus providing a more convenient and comfortable boundary crossing environment for Hong Kong and Shenzhen residents.

     Also speaking at the topping-out ceremony, Executive Vice-Mayor Liu Yingli said the Shenzhen Bay Port was mainland's first boundary control point adopting co-location arrangements by the Hong Kong and Shenzhen authorities. Upon its completion, it will be the world's largest modernised control point of its kind. The new passenger terminal building, which is the main construction work in the Shenzhen Bay Port, will be the largest structure of the control point in terms of volume and importance.

     Mr Liu hoped that based on the smooth joining of the main structure of the Shenzhen Bay Bridge and the timely topping-out of the passenger terminal building, both sides could continue to work towards completing the remaining works, thereby contributing to the sustaining and rapid socio-economic development of Hong Kong, Shenzhen and the Pearl River Delta region, as well as maintaining Hong Kong's long-term prosperity and stability.

Ends/Monday, February 27, 2006
Issued at HKT 15:27