LCQ6: Programmes on parent-child relationship and having educational value

    Following is a question by the Ir Dr Hon Raymond Ho and a written reply by the Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology, Mr Joseph W P Wong, in the Legislative Council today (February 22):


     Will the Government inform this Council of the number of programmes currently broadcast by various electronic media every week concerning parent-child relationship and having educational value, e.g. "Parents' Hearts" produced by the Public Affairs Television Division of Radio Television Hong Kong; how the authorities categorise such programmes; and whether consideration will be given to providing funding support for the electronic media to produce more such programmes?


Madam President,

     We have consulted broadcasting licensees and Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) on programmes on parent-child relationship and having educational value currently provided by them. A list of such programmes based on information they provided is at Annex.

     We have not categorised programmes by parent-child relationship and having educational value. Sound broadcasting service licensees and domestic free television programme service licensees are required by their respective licences to provide prescribed public service programmes at specified timeslots. Such programmes include those suitable for children, young persons and the elderly. The licences do not specify the themes for such programmes. Licensees may produce different thematic programmes, including programmes on parent-child relationship and having educational value, to meet the needs of audience.

     In addition, the three domestic pay television programme service licensees provide over 200 television channels. Their services include programmes on parent-child relationship and having educational value although their licences do not require the provision of various prescribed public service programmes.

     The annual provision for RTHK exceeds $400 million. RTHK provides high quality programmes to inform, educate and entertain the public. RTHK has long been aware of the importance of fostering parent-child relationship and produced a programme on parent-child relationship and having educational value called湭﷿籞ቩ字쉗as early as in 1995. RTHK produced numerous programmes of this theme in the past. Examples are 湭䲀䲀橧橧〄젰쉗,湭﷿칶﷿㉛쉗 and 湭դ華﷿籭쉗. RTHK will continue to allocate appropriate resources to produce programmes on this theme.  


Programmes on parent-child relationship and having educational value currently provided by broadcasting licensees and RTHK:

I. Metro Broadcast Corporation Limited


* Moms & Dads, Let's Talk
11.00am - 1.00pm


* Focus On The Family
Monday to Friday
8.40am (2 minutes)
9.40am (2 minutes)
4.40pm (2 minutes)
7.40pm (2 minutes)

II. Hong Kong Cable Television Limited

Children's Channel:

* Parent TV
Monday to Friday
9.00pm - 10.00pm
10.00pm - 11.00pm (repeat)

III. Galaxy Satellite Broadcasting Limited

TVBQ Channel:

* QQ Birthday Party
10.30am - 11.30am
2.00pm - 3.00pm (repeat)
7.30pm - 8.30pm (repeat)
11.00pm - 12.00 midnight (repeat)
2.30am - 3.30am (repeat)

* Superkids Contest
10.30am - 11.30am
2.00pm - 3.00pm (repeat)
7.30pm - 8.30pm (repeat)
11.00pm - 12.00 midnight (repeat)
2.30am - 3.30am (repeat)



* 驔㝵蝳菱촰 (no English title)
10.00am - 12.00 noon


* Children's Corner
5.00pm - 6.00pm


* 菱菱佧ꉣ (no English title)
9.00pm - 10.00pm

* 摱鄤籞﷿ݒҌ⽱(no English title)
10.00am - 12.00 noon

RTHK Putonghua Channel:

* ⹳ỿ﷿᏿﷿䩭籞ݿᔰ (no English title)
3.00pm - 3.30pm

RTHK TV Programme:

* Parents' Hearts (10 episodes) (repeat)
Monday and Tuesday
Cable Finance Info Channel of Hong Kong Cable Television Limited
(Monday 8.30pm - 9.00pm, 2.00am - 2.30am; Tuesday 5.00pm - 5.30pm)
RTHK on the Internet Programme Archive

Ends/Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Issued at HKT 12:36