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Co-operation between financial sector and academia in talent nurturing re-affirmed (with photos)

The following is issued on behalf of the Advisory Committee on Human Resources Development in the Financial Services Sector:

     The financial services industry and the academic sector today re-affirmed their pledges to deepen co-operation in talent nurturing at a roundtable discussion today (February 18).

     Carrying the theme 䩕collaboration between the financial services sector and the academia蒅, the session was jointly organised by the Advisory Committee on Human Resources Development in the Financial Services Sector (FinMan Committee), and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology's School of Business and Management (HKUST Business School).

     Its aim was to foster mutual understanding and encourage cooperation between the industry and academia on issues related to human resource development for the financial sector.  The FinMan Committee will conduct discussions of this kind on a regular basis, with each discussion focusing on one to two industries in the financial services sector.  Today﷿s discussion focused on the banking industry.

     Speaking at the session, the Chairman of the FinMan Committee, Mr Chan Tze-ching said: 䩕 Hong Kong's position as an international financial centre hinges on its highly competitive and professional workforce.

    䩕By facilitating a closer partnership between the financial institutes and academic sector, we can maintain and propel the strength of our human resources, a vital asset in the development of financial industry.蒅

     Mr Chan said that the views expressed at today﷿s discussion were pragmatic and candid.

   䩕The views of participants have helped sharpen our focus on key issues in pursuing our financial services human resources development, enabling the market as well as our educational institutes to do a better job in enhancing the calibre of our human resources,蒅 Mr Chan noted.

     Speaking at the same occasion, the Dean of the HKUST Business School, Professor K C Chan, appealed for further corporate involvement in nurturing financial talent.

     Noting that the co-operation could go beyond traditional modes of engaging on summer internships or work-study, Professor Chan said :䩕We may instigate pedagogical change such as the inclusion of company projects in the curriculum as students can always benefit from interactive, experiential experience as part of the preparation for their careers.蒅

     During today﷿s discussion, participants were briefed on the financial programmes being offered by local universities and the overview of the current internship models for students. Presentations on overseas experiences of industry and academia partnership were also highlights for the session.

     The discussion was attended by representatives of the Government, banking, financial and academic sectors. A list of the participants at today﷿s discussion is at Annex A.

     The FinMan Committee was established in June, 2000 by the Government to foster better co-ordination of the efforts between the industry and academia on financial services manpower development. It comprises representatives from the Government, the industry, regulators, professional bodies and training providers. A membership list of the FinMan Committee is at Annex B.

     Today's roundtable discussion was the first of its kind in a series of similar events to be co-organised between the FinMan Committee and local universities in the months ahead.

Ends/Saturday, February 18, 2006
Issued at HKT 13:07


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