Mental Health Month concluded (with photo)

About 200 participants attended a ceremony to mark the closing of Mental Health Month 2005 at Shek Kip Mei Sports Centre today (February 18).

Speaking at the ceremony-cum-sharing session, the chairperson of the Sub-committee on Public Education on Rehabilitation under the Rehabilitation Advisory Committee, Mr Raymond Lee Man-chun, said he was glad to see that more than 100 youngsters took part and actively supported the event.

Through participation in the "Teen and Fun" mental health camps, Mr Lee noted the youngsters had learned the importance of mental health from experience that they gained through taking part in adventure games and inclusion activities as well as team sharing.

"Besides testing individual ability, participants can learn to cope with stress and emotional problems.

"We should seek help early when encountering difficulties so that the problem can be resolved as soon as possible to relieve stress. This is exactly the main objective of the Mental Health Month," he said.

The closing ceremony was followed by a sharing session hosted by Dr Chan Sai-yin of Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists, and chairperson of the working group under the Organising Committee of the Mental Health Month 2005, Ms Deborah Wan Lai-yau, on how to promote mental health among teenagers.

Also officiating at the sharing session and closing ceremony were Deputy Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food, Ms Linda Lai Wai-ming; Assistant Director of Social Welfare, Mr Sit Tung; and executive manager of Hospital Authority, Ms Margaret Tay.

Since 1995, the Health, Welfare and Food Bureau and over 20 government departments and non-governmental organisations have co-organised the Mental Health Month each year. Large-scale public education campaigns are launched to promote public awareness of the importance of mental health, eliminate discrimination against mentally ill and ex-mentally ill, and foster the integration of people with disabilities.

Ends/Saturday, February 18, 2006
Issued at HKT 16:02