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LCQ13: Mainland residents studying full-time post-secondary programmes in Hong Kong

    Following is a question by the Hon Sin Chung-kai and a written reply by the Secretary for Security, Mr Ambrose S K Lee, in the Legislative Council today (February 15):


     Will the Government inform this Council of:

(a) the respective numbers of Mainlanders who came to Hong Kong on student visas over the past three years to study courses offered by University Grants Committee-funded institutions for associate degree, diploma/higher diploma, bachelor's degree, taught master's degree, research master's degree and doctor's degree, with a breakdown by institution; and

(b) the length of time currently required for processing Mainlanders' applications for student visas to study in Hong Kong?


Madam President,

(a) Statistics on Mainland residents who were issued with entry permits by the Immigration Department (ImmD) to study in full-time post-secondary programmes offered by University Grants Committee-funded institutions in the past three years are set out in the attached Table 1 and Table 2.

(b) ImmD can normally finalise processing of applications for visas/entry permits to study in Hong Kong within six weeks upon receipt of all necessary documents.  

Ends/Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Issued at HKT 15:42