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SHA expresses condolences to family of marathon participant

The Secretary for Home Affairs, Dr Patrick Ho, today (February 14) expressed condolences to the family of Mr Tsang Kam-yin, who passed away early this morning after participating a marathon race on Sunday (February 12).

He said, staff of the Home Affairs Bureau (HAB) had already visited Mr Tsang's family at the hospital and offered assistance.  Staff had also visited another participant, Mr Chu Man-chung, who is still in hospital.  Dr Ho wished him a speedy recovery.

The Home Affairs Bureau will hold a meeting with the Hong Kong Amateur Athletic Association and other government departments tomorrow to review arrangements for the marathon race.  The bureau will also request various sports organisations and committees, including the Major Sports Events Committee, to discuss how to improve the safety of similar events.

Dr Ho said, since different sports competitions carried different characteristics, it would be difficult to stipulate a set of standard safety guidelines.  However, he emphasised that safety was the principal concern.  The bureau would endeavour to co-ordinate arrangements for future competitions.  Dr Ho commended the contributions of the marathon race in promoting community sports in Hong Kong.

Dr Ho also expressed concern to those participants injured in the race.  Since a marathon was a sport that required stringent physical capabilities, he called on participants not to overtax themselves.

Ends/Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Issued at HKT 15:13