LegCo: Views Sought on the review of the public service broadcasting (PSB) in Hong Kong

    The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:

     The Legislative Council now invites members of the public to express their views on issues related to the review of public service broadcasting (PSB) in Hong Kong.

     On January 17, 2006, the Administration announced the appointment by the Chief Executive of an independent committee to review PSB in Hong Kong. To facilitate the Information Technology and Broadcasting Panel's study of the subject and consideration of the way forward, the Panel would welcome views on various aspects of PSB, including the following:
     (a) the role of PSB in Hong Kong;
     (b) the proposed institutional arrangement and funding for PSB;
     (c) the mechanism for monitoring performance of PSB;
     (d) the provision of PSB by publicly-funded and commercial broadcasters;
     (e) the impact of technological advancement on PSB;
     (f) editorial independence for PSB; and
     (g) the need or otherwise for public access channels in Hong Kong and how such channels, if provided, should be run.

     Those interested in giving their views are invited to send their written submissions (preferably in both Chinese and English and with softcopy) to the Clerk to the Panel on or before March 3, 2006 (Friday). They are also requested to indicate whether they intend to make oral representations to the Panel at its special meeting to be held on March 11, 2006 (Saturday) at 9am in the Chamber of the Legislative Council Building on or before February 27, 2006 (Monday).

     For details of the consultation, please visit the following website:

Ends/Saturday, February 11, 2006
Issued at HKT 11:03