S for S speaks on assistance to Egypt traffic accident victims

Following is the transcript of a media session by the Secretary for Security, Mr Ambrose S K Lee, today (February 1) on assistance rendered to Hong Kong residents in the traffic accident in Egypt that occurred on January 31:

Reporter: Can you explain what is happening? ﷿..What assistance has been offered to the victims?

Secretary for Security: The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government is deeply grieved by this incident. The Chief Executive is very concerned and he has instructed all departments to do everything possible to help the victims and their families.

Today we have also received a letter from the Liaison Office of the Central People﷿s Government in the HKSAR. They wish to express their sympathy and condolences to the victims﷿ families. Also through the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office, the Central leaders have also expressed their concern.

As a matter of fact, Premier Wen Jiabao and Vice-President Zeng Qinghong have instructed the Foreign Affairs Ministry as well as the embassy in Cairo to work together with the Hong Kong Government to provide assistance to the victims﷿ families. We are grateful for the assistance rendered by the Central Government as well as the embassy staff in Cairo.

The Immigration Department staff whom we have sent have already arrived in Zurich. The party will arrive at Cairo by about 8.30 pm Hong Kong time this evening. Of the injured in Egypt, I think five of them were sent to a hospital in Cairo and 18 were still hospitalised in Hurghada. Seven are sort of now arranged to live in local hotels.

Of the four Immigration Officers, two will stay in Cairo looking after the five injured and the other two will start their journey to Hurghada. We will continue to liaise with our diplomats in Cairo to monitor the situation.

Reporter: How many Hong Kong people  were injured and died ﷿﷿?

Secretary for Security: The latest figure is that 14 were confirmed dead and 30 were injured. And of these 30, seven have already been released from hospital and they are now arranged to live in some local hotels in Hurghada.

Reporter: How many are Hong Kong people among these﷿?

Secretary for Security: I don﷿t have that figure with me.

(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript)

Ends/Wednesday, February 1, 2006
Issued at HKT 20:32