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SCIT speaks on review of public service broadcasting

    Following is a transcript (English portion) of the Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology, Mr Joseph W P Wong, speaking to the media after attending the Legislative Council Panel on Information Technology and Broadcasting this afternoon (January 25):

Reporter: Is it true that RTHK's editorial independence will not be affected by this review, but only that probably the review itself will have some impact on it?

SCIT: I am very pleased to attend this Legco panel meeting. I am very glad to hear the views expressed by Legco members. I know this review on public service broadcasting is a matter of great concern to Legco members and indeed to many people in the community. I am also very pleased to note that the RTHK, both its management, as well as its staff, welcomed the review and have pledged to contribute positively to the deliberations of the review.

     On my part, I would undertake that this is an independent review. It is not appropriate, and the Government will not express any concrete views until the review has been completed and until we have reached our decision. In the meantime, of course, RTHK will continue to operate as it has been operating before. Our relationship with RTHK will continue to be governed by the framework agreement, which provides for editorial independence of RTHK.

(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript)

Ends/Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Issued at HKT 18:40


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