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No security loopholes within Lok Ma Chau Terminus and Boundary Control Point

      In response to a news article today (January 24) that there will be security loopholes at the Lok Ma Chau Terminus and the boundary control facility, a spokesman of the Environment, Transport and Works Bureau pointed out that the terminus and the adjoining public transport interchange (PTI) are both situated within the Frontier Closed Area that is under the control of the relevant legislation.

       He said, 䩕Only franchised buses and public light buses approved by the Transport Department, taxis and cross boundary passengers will be allowed to use the PTI.  The report that private cars can also use the PTI is incorrect.蒅

       䩕The terminus building and the PTI are still under construction.  The relevant engineering design and management measures will ensure the smooth operation of the boundary control point.  There would not be any loopholes in the security control as reported in the news article.蒅

       The spokesman added, 䩕In coordinating the project, ETWB works closely with the relevant policy bureau including the Security Bureau and the concerned departments, as well as the Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation, to ensure the smooth operation of the terminus, the cross boundary facilities inside the terminus and the PTI after the commissioning of the Spur Line in early 2007.蒅

Ends/Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Issued at HKT 20:36


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