Long Service Insignia and Commendation Certificates for Members of the Immigration Service (with photos)

    Hong Kong Immigration Service Long Service medals and clasps have been awarded to 185 disciplined staff of the department. Another 14 officers have received the Director's and Assistant Directors' Commendation Certificates.  

     Speaking today (January 24) at the presentation ceremony at Immigration Department headquarters, Director of Immigration Mr Lai Tung-kwok expressed his appreciation to award recipients who had dedicated long years of loyal service to the department and displayed exemplary performance at work.

     The award of the Hong Kong Immigration Service Long Service Medals and Clasps is to honour those with exemplary character and conduct who have rendered long and meritorious service as members of the Immigration Service.

     Assistant Director (Information Systems) Mr Wong Wai-man Raymond and 12 officers were awarded the third clasp to their medals for 33 years of dedicated service with the department.

     Second clasps, signifying 30 years of service, were presented to Principal Immigration Officer Mr Cheng Ping-yat now on secondment to the Beijing Office, and six other officers. A total of 66 officers received the first clasps to mark 25 years of service, while 99 other officers received Hong Kong Immigration Long Service Medals for 18 years of service.

     Eight disciplined officers and a clerical officer received the Director's commendation. Senior Immigration Officer Mr Gavin Ho Ka-wing, of the Accounts Management Section, was commended for his outstanding professionalism, devotion, distinguished leadership and undaunting efforts in co-ordinating the Third Discussion Forum on Electronic Identity Documents in late 2004, leading to the successful conclusion of the forum, while simultaneously helping to project a positive image of the department.

     Senior Immigration Officer of the Certificate of Entitlement Section Mr So Kin-pong displayed high degree of vigilance and strong analytical power in the processing of a Certificate of Entitlement application which led to the detection of a Mainland resident trying to claim right of abode in Hong Kong by using a false identity.

     Senior Immigration Officer Mr Lee Kwok-wai, of the Lo Wu Section, was commended for his outstanding performance in supervising and managing the Lo Wu Special Operation Team and the Tactical Squad, contributing to the success of operations against immigration offenders and strengthening of cross boundary clearance services.

     Immigration Officer Mr So Chun-ho, Chief Immigration Assistant Mr Wong Chi-keung, Acting Senior Immigration Assistant Mr Cheung Wing-lun and Miss Hsu Shuk-wai of the Outside Investigation section, were commended for their exceptional alertness and professionalism in the crackdown on an international forgery syndicate involved in human smuggling activities, leading to the successful conviction of the mastermind and syndicate clients.

     Also receiving a commendation from the Director was Acting Chief Immigration Assistant Ms Wong Hung-yin who contributed to the successful fight against human smuggling activities and document fraud at the Lo Wu control point.  

     Acting Clerical Officer of the Yuen Long Smart Identity Card Centre Mr Cheng Wai-man was commended for his exceptional bravery and leadership displayed in the handling of a dangerous police target and contributing to the successful arrest of the culprit.

     During the ceremony, five other officers were also awarded the Assistant Directors' commendation for their outstanding performance.

     Mr Lai congratulated the award recipients and thanked all staff for their support in the smooth implementation of various projects and measures taken by the department. Mr Lai said he believed that colleagues would continue to demonstrate their esprit de corps in the challenges ahead and strive for continued improvement in services provided to the public.

Ends/Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Issued at HKT 18:34