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Govt responds to ad on universal suffrage timetable

    A Government spokesman today (January 23) responded to a newspaper advertisement placed by around 30 members of the community urging the Chief Executive to set a timetable for universal suffrage for the two electoral methods.

     "The Chief Executive and the SAR Government have made every effort to seek the early attainment of the ultimate aim of electing the Chief Executive and all the members of the Legislative Council by universal suffrage as provided for in the Basic Law," the spokesman said.

     "The Chief Executive is determined to enable Hong Kong's constitutional development to move towards the ultimate aim of universal suffrage. In November last year, he initiated the discussion on formulating a roadmap for universal suffrage through the Committee on Governance and Political Development under the Commission on Strategic Development. The Chief Executive hopes to draw some conclusions by early 2007 and will reflect these conclusions to the Central Authorities," the spokesman pointed out.

     The spokesman said, "After we have drawn conclusions on the discussions on the model and roadmap for universal suffrage, this will provide a basis for us to commence our study of the issue of a timetable for universal suffrage."

     "The Chief Executive fully understands and recognises the community's aspirations for the early attainment of the ultimate aim of universal suffrage. The Chief Executive believes that, as a responsible and committed Government, we should lead the community to forge a consensus among different sectors of the community, in a pragmatic, rational and step-by-step manner, so as to provide a solid foundation for establishing a model and timetable for universal suffrage," the spokesman emphasised.

Ends/Monday, January 23, 2006
Issued at HKT 17:10


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