Readmission Committee Meeting between HKSAR and the European Commission

    This is a press release issued by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Immigration Department and the European Union Office of the European Commission in Hong Kong.

     Director of Immigration, Mr Lai Tung-kwok, and Mr Nicola Annecchino, Head of Immigration and Asylum Unit for Directorate-General Justice, Freedom and Security of European Commission, conducted the second meeting of the Joint European Commission - Hong Kong Readmission Committee in Hong Kong on January 19, 2006.

     The meeting was convened to review the implementation of the Protocols to the Agreement signed between the European Commission and Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government on the readmission of persons residing without authorisation. Mr Annecchino thanked the HKSAR Government for the co-operation and efforts in implementing the Readmission Agreement.  

     During the meeting, the Immigration Department and the European Commission conducted an in-depth and productive exchange of views on migratory issues.  Members reaffirmed the determination of both sides to foster greater collaboration between the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the European Union in immigration matters.  

     After the meeting, Mr Annecchino and Mr Diederik Paalman, Principal Administrator of the Immigration and Asylum Unit of the European Commission, visited two boundary control points.

Ends/Saturday, January 21, 2006
Issued at HKT 12:17