LCQ 8: Railway corporations strive to improve facilities to benefit disabled passengers

    Following is a question by the Hon Alan Leong and a written reply by the Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works, Dr Sarah Liao, at the Legislative Council meeting today (January 18):


     At Lam Tin Mass Transit Railway ("MTR") Station, a set of shuttle escalators has been installed at each of the two locations at a section of the steep slope outside Exit A.  However, the absence of facilities to cater for mobility-handicapped persons, in particular wheelchair users, has caused inconvenience and danger to them.  Regarding the provision of facilities for mobility-handicapped persons at railway stations, will the Government inform this Council:

(a)  whether it knows the MTR, Kowloon-Canton Railway ("KCR") East Rail, KCR West Rail and Ma On Shan Rail stations which have not yet provided facilities, such as stair lifts, wheelchair aids, passenger lifts, sloping floors and ramps etc., at all exits to cater for mobility-handicapped persons;

(b)  whether it knows if the MTR Corporation Limited and the KCR Corporation have any plans to install facilities to cater for mobility-handicapped persons at all exits of the railway stations mentioned in item (a) and the new ones to be built in future; if they have, of the details, installation timetables and latest progress of the plans; if not, the reasons for that and how the station supervisors assist mobility-handicapped persons to enter and leave those stations; and

(c)  whether, by not providing facilities at all exits of railway stations under their management to cater for mobility-handicapped persons, the two corporations contravene the Disability Discrimination Ordinance, relevant building ordinances or other legal requirements?


Madam President,

     All stations of the MTR, East Rail (including Ma On Shan Rail) and West Rail have at least one barrier free access with exit which can be used by persons with disabilities.  These exits are equipped with either one or several facilities like wheelchair aids, stair lifts, passenger lifts or ramps to enable disabled passengers to access the stations independently or under the assistance of station staff.  Facilities for disabled passengers will also be provided in new railway lines like Lok Ma Chau to Sheung Shui Spur Line and Kowloon Southern Link.  Due to geographical and station structural constraints, railway corporations are not able to provide facilities for disabled passengers at every exit of all stations at present.

     As regards MTR Lam Tin Station, exit A thereof is connected to the station concourse by several escalators.  If disabled persons were to access the station through this exit, there could be potential danger to themselves as well as other passengers using the escalators.  In addition, owing to site and station structural constraints, it is technically infeasible to install lifts thereat to connect with the concourse.  MTR Corporation Limited (MTRCL) therefore provided a ramp at exit C to enable disabled passengers to access the station in a safe manner.

     The Building Authority has, in accordance with section 84 of the Disability Discrimination Ordinance, vetted the design of railway stations completed after the enactment of the legislation.  In addition, the Buildings Department confirms that the accessibility of all railway stations fulfilled the relevant building legislation at the time when the stations were constructed respectively.

     In order to cater for the different needs of passengers, the two railway corporations keep in close contact with disabled groups to gauge comments on railway service and incorporate additional facilities in the railway system with a view to adding convenience to those in need.  The corporations will continue to strive to further improving station facilities for the benefit of disabled passengers.

Ends/Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Issued at HKT 14:26