LCQ1: Promoting and managing tourist attractions and facilities

    Following is a question by the Hon Wong Kwok-hing and a reply by the Secretary for Economic Development and Labour, Mr Stephen Ip, in the Legislative Council today (January 18):


     In connection with advertising, promoting and managing tourist attractions and facilities in Hong Kong, will the Government inform this Council:

(a) whether there is a government department with dedicated responsibilities for advertising, promoting and managing the existing tourist attractions in Hong Kong, including erecting signs, publishing articles on tourist attractions, and arranging cleansing, maintenance, repair and guided tour services, etc; if so, of the department concerned; if not, which departments are sharing such responsibilities;

(b) whether members of the public may express their views to the Commissioner for Tourism on the facilities and supporting services of existing tourist attractions; if so, whether the authorities have assessed if the Commissioner, at the current rank and with the existing powers, is able to coordinate various policy bureaux and government departments in dealing with such views; if the assessment results indicate that the Commissioner is unable to perform the coordinating role, how the authorities will assist the Commissioner in performing this role; and

(c) of the mechanism in place for the public to put forward suggestions to the Commissioner regarding the identification of new tourist attractions and for the Commissioner to evaluate such suggestions?


Madam President,

(a) There are many different types of tourist attractions and facilities in Hong Kong. Most of these facilities are managed and maintained by the relevant Government departments which also provide guided tour service.

     For tourism projects or district enhancement schemes co-ordinated by the Tourism Commission, e.g., the Wisdom Path, Hong Kong Wetland Park, beautification works for Sai Kung Waterfront, the Peak Improvement Scheme, etc., the Tourism Commission will discuss with the relevant departments and decide at the planning stage on future management issues to ensure that the facilities would be properly managed and maintained after completion. For example, the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department will be responsible for the management, maintenance, and promotion of the Hong Kong Wetland Park as well as the provision of guided tour services. Regarding the division of work among departments on the management of tourist facilities, it depends on the nature of the facilities and the respective expertise and purview of the departments. The responsible departments will also provide appropriate supplementary services, e.g. information boards, guided tour service, etc., to enhance visitors' knowledge and appreciation of the attractions or facilities. For example, the Space Museum, Science Museum, Cultural Centre and other museums are managed by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD). The LCSD also provides guided tour service at the facilities, and produces publications to introduce them.

     Regarding marketing and promotion, the Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) works closely with the tourism trade to market and promote Hong Kong tourism worldwide. Its promotion activities include organising road shows and exhibitions in the Mainland and overseas; arranging familiarisation visits by the overseas travel trade to Hong Kong; as well as promoting the tourism projects, attractions and facilities in Hong Kong in order to attract overseas visitors. The HKTB also produces publications for distribution to the travel trade and visitors. Information about the tourist attractions and facilities has already been uploaded onto the websites of the Tourism Commission and the HKTB, which are also hyperlinked to concerned departments' websites, for the information of the public and visitors.

(b) Under the existing mechanism, members of the public who have views on how to improve existing tourist attractions and their complementary services, can send their comments to the concerned departments or to the Tourism Commission. Upon receipt of such suggestions, the Tourism Commission will refer them to the relevant department and will co-ordinate follow-up action with the departments concerned as necessary.

(c) The Tourism Commission welcomes public comments on the enhancement of tourism development and construction of new tourist facilities in Hong Kong. The public can send their comments and suggestions in writing or through the website of the Tourism Commission. We have an established mechanism for the Tourism Commission to convene an inter-departmental committee to study suggestions received. In considering the suggestions, the committee will focus on their feasibility and attractiveness to the tourists. Subject to the content and nature of the suggestions, the committee will decide on the appropriate follow up action.

     Overall, the Government has an effective mechanism for various departments to manage different Government tourist attractions and facilities. The role of the Tourism Commission is to co-ordinate and facilitate the overall development of the tourism industry. The existing mechanism is operating smoothly. The resources and expertise of different departments are effectively utilised and their roles and responsibilities clearly defined.

Ends/Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Issued at HKT 11:50