Health product with western drug ingredients (with photos)

    The Department of Health today (January 6) called on people not to buy or use a brand of health product "Orgacare Unik Plus 1" which contained Western drug ingredients and may cause side effects.

     The appeal followed department investigations into a private doctor's report concerning the product in late December, 2005. Some of his patients developed dizziness, fast and irregular heart beat and sweating after taking the product bought in Malaysia. Their symptoms had subsided after stopped taking the product.  

     A department spokesman said that a sample of the product taken for laboratory tests was found to contain Western drug ingredients﷿sildenafil (酼뵕) and tadalafil.

     The two drug ingredients are used for treating impotence. However, they can cause side-effects such as serious hypotension (low blood pressure) among people with heart diseases.  

     Products containing these drug ingredients are also Third Schedule poisons under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance. They must be registered before sale and can only be sold on a doctor's prescription and under supervision by a pharmacist.

     People who have been using the product are advised to immediately stop taking it and to seek medical attention if they feel unwell.

     They should dispose of the product or submit the product to the department's Pharmaceutical service at the third floor, Public Health Laboratory Centre, 382 Nam Cheong Street, Kowloon during office hours.

     The department will inform the relevant authority in Malaysia about the case.

     The spokesman said people who had a problem of sexual dysfunction should consult medical professionals for appropriate advice or medication if necessary.

     People can call the DH's Pharmaceutical Service hotline 2319 2839 for relevant health information.

Ends/Friday, January 6, 2006
Issued at HKT 18:59