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Public Housing Monthly Rental Payment goes electronic

The introduction of e-Payment Cards will make monthly rental payments at shroff offices in their estate management offices a thing of the past for more than 640,000 public housing tenants from this month.  

䩕With their newly issued e-Payment Cards, tenants can pay their monthly rents at any estate management offices convenient to them,蒅 the Assistant Director of Housing (Estate Management), Mr Wong Bay, said today (January 4).

䩕The new payment method can shorten the waiting time at shroff offices as well as reducing manpower in replacing the Rent Cards every two years,蒅 he said, adding that this could save $20 million a year in operating and staff costs.

Briefings to Estate Management Advisory Committees, publicity through the Housing Authority Channel and leaflets will be stepped up to publicise the new payment method.

䩕Convenience of our rent-payment service will be even further enhanced when other electronic payment methods are developed so that more rent collection points, such as convenience stores and post offices are made available in mid-2006,蒅 Mr Wong said.

Ends/Wednesday, January 4, 2006
Issued at HKT 13:02


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