Appointments to Education Commission announced

    The Government announced today (December 30) the appointments of members to the Education Commission (EC).

     Professor Wong Po-choi, Mr Tsoi Kai-chun and Mrs Mansukhani Au Hay-lun Rita are appointed to the commission for a two-year term with effect from January 1, 2006.

     Professor Wong Po-choi works in the Department of Information Engineering of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and is the Chairman of the Committee on Home-School Co-operation. Mr Tsoi Kai-chun is the Principal of Yaumati Catholic Primary School and the Chairman of the Subsidised Primary Schools Council. Mrs Mansukhani Au Hay-lun Rita is the Principal of the Princess Alexandra Red Cross Residential School and the Chairman of the Hong Kong Special Schools Council.

     The Secretary for Education and Manpower, Professor Arthur KC Li, said, "We welcome the appointment of the three new members to the EC. With their professional knowledge in various sectors of education, I am confident that they will be able to contribute valuable ideas and provide effective support to the work of the commission."

     Professor Li also thanked the three outgoing members, Dr Cheung Kwok-wah, Mr Lau Chi-keung and Dr Simon Leung for their valuable contributions to the commission.

     The full membership list of EC is as follows:

* Dr Rosanna Wong Yick-ming

Ex-officio Members:
* Permanent Secretary for Education and Manpower, Mrs Fanny Law (or her representative)
* Chairman, Advisory Committee on Teacher Education and Qualifications, Professor Cheng Kai-ming
* Chairman, Curriculum Development Council, Professor Wong Yuk-shan
* Chairman, Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority Council, Mr Irving Koo Yee-yin
* Chairman, Standing Committee on Language Education and Research, Mr Michael Tien Puk-sun
* Chairman, Quality Education Fund Steering Committee, Mr Tai Hay-lap
* Chairman, University Grants Committee, Dr Alice Piera Lam Lee Kiu-yue
* Chairman, Vocational Training Council, Mr Yeung Kai-yin

Non-official Members:
* Mrs Dorothy Chan Cheng Mei-chu
* Mr Moses Cheng Mo-chi
* Mr Chu Fu-yau
* Miss Gloria Leung Chi-kin
* Professor Leslie Lo Nai-kwai
* Mrs Mansukhani Au Hay-lun Rita
* Mr Pang Yiu-kai
* Mr Tong Chung-fan
* Mr Tsoi Kai-chun
* Mr Wong Kwan-yu
* Professor Wong Po-choi

Ends/Friday, December 30, 2005
Issued at HKT 11:00