缂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹閹间礁纾归柟闂寸绾惧綊鏌熼梻瀵割槮缁炬儳缍婇弻鐔兼⒒鐎靛壊妲紒鐐劤缂嶅﹪寮婚悢鍏尖拻閻庨潧澹婂Σ顔剧磼閻愵剙鍔ょ紓宥咃躬瀵鎮㈤崗灏栨嫽闁诲酣娼ф竟濠偽i鍓х<闁绘劦鍓欓崝銈囩磽瀹ュ拑韬€殿喖顭烽幃銏ゅ礂鐏忔牗瀚介梺璇查叄濞佳勭珶婵犲伣锝夘敊閸撗咃紲闂佺粯鍔﹂崜娆撳礉閵堝洨纾界€广儱鎷戦煬顒傗偓娈垮枛椤兘骞冮姀銈呯閻忓繑鐗楃€氫粙姊虹拠鏌ュ弰婵炰匠鍕彾濠电姴浼i敐澶樻晩闁告挆鍜冪床闂備胶绮崝锕傚礈濞嗘挸绀夐柕鍫濇缁♀偓闂侀€炲苯澧撮柡灞芥椤撳ジ宕ㄩ姘曞┑锛勫亼閸婃牜鏁幒妤€纾圭憸鐗堝笒閸氬綊鏌嶈閸撶喖寮婚敐鍡樺劅闁靛繒濮村В鍫ユ⒑閸涘﹦鎳冮柛鐕佸亰閹儳鐣¢幍顔芥闂佹悶鍎滅仦缁㈡%闂備浇顕ч崙鐣屽緤婵犳艾绀夐悗锝庘偓顖嗗吘鏃堝川椤旇瀚奸梻渚€娼荤€靛矂宕㈡總绋跨閻庯綆鍠楅悡鏇㈡煏婵炲灝鍔ょ紒澶庢閳ь剝顫夊ú姗€宕濆▎鎾崇畺婵炲棗娴氶崯鍛亜閺冨洦顥夐柣锔界矒濮婄粯绗熼埀顒€岣胯閹囧幢濡炪垺绋戣灃闁告劦浜為悾鍫曟⒑閸︻厼鍔嬮柟姝屽煐缁傚秴饪伴崼鐔哄弳闂佸搫鍊藉▔鏇熺閵忊懇鍋撶憴鍕碍婵☆偅鐩崺鈧い鎺嶇贰閸熷繘鏌涢悩鎰佹疁闁诡噯绻濋弫鎾绘偐閸欏袣闂備浇娉曢崰鎾存叏鐎电ǹ顥氶柛蹇氬亹缁♀偓婵犵數濮撮崐褰掑闯閼恒儰绻嗛柟缁樺笚閸犳ɑ鎱ㄦ繝鍕笡闁瑰嘲鎳樺畷鐑筋敇閻旇鍗抽梻鍌欑劍閹爼宕濊箛鎾愭盯宕熼銈呯闂佸吋鍓氶崹鐓幬f繝姘拺闁绘垟鏅滈~濠囨煕濞嗗繐鏆欐い顐㈢箳缁辨帒螣鐠囧樊鈧捇姊洪崨濠勬创婵炰匠鍛濠电姴娲㈤埀顑跨窔瀵粙顢橀悙鑼崺婵$偑鍊栭幐绋棵洪敂鍓х煓闁硅揪绲挎禍娆撴⒒娴e憡鍟炲〒姘殜瀹曘垹鈻庨幘婢勩劑鏌嶉崫鍕偓濠氬储閻㈠憡鈷戠紓浣姑悘锕傛嫅闁秵鍊堕煫鍥ㄦ礃閺嗏晝绱掓潏銊ユ诞闁糕晪绠撻崺鈧い鎺戝绾惧鏌熼幆褜鍤熺紒鈾€鍋撴繝鐢靛仜閻楀棝鎮樺┑瀣嚑闁绘柨鍚嬮悡銉╂煛閸ヮ煈娈曟繛鍛功閳ь剝顫夊ú蹇涘垂濞差亜围闁挎繂顦粈鍐煏婵炲灝鍔氬ù婊冪埣濮婄粯鎷呴崷顓熻弴闂佹悶鍔岀紞濠囩嵁婢舵劖鏅搁柣妯垮皺閸橀亶姊洪悷閭﹀殶濠殿噣顥撴竟鏇㈡寠婢规繂缍婇弫鎰板椽娴e湱绋戞俊鐐€曠换鎰版偋婵犲洤纾归柛顐f礃閻撱儵鏌¢崶鈺佷粶闁逞屽墮濠€閬嶅焵椤掍浇澹橀柟铏~蹇撁洪宥嗘櫌闂侀€炲苯澧扮紒顔芥閹粙宕ㄦ繝鍌欑暗闂備礁鎲¢崝锕傚窗濡ゅ懎鐓曢柟杈鹃檮閻撴洘銇勯鐔风仴婵炲懏锕㈤弻娑欐償閿涘嫮顔婄紓浣介哺鐢帡鈥旈崘顔芥櫇闁逞屽墴楠炲﹪骞囬纰辨婵犻潧鍊绘灙缂佺嫏鍥ㄧ厱妞ゆ劧绲块埥澶娾攽閳ュ啿鎮戠紒缁樼洴楠炴牠顢橀悙瀵稿綆闂備礁鎼張顒勬儎椤栫偛鏄ラ柣鎰惈缁犳氨鎲哥仦鍓х彾闁哄洨鍋愰弨浠嬫煥濞戞ê顏╁ù婊冦偢閺屾稒绻濋崘顏勨拡闂佽桨绶¢崰妤冩崲濠靛鐐婇柕濞垮劜閻i亶姊绘担鍛婂暈闁规悂顥撶划鍫熸媴鐟欏嫬寮垮銈嗗笒鐎氼參鎮¢崘顏呭枑婵犲﹤鐗嗙粈鍫ユ煟閺傛娈犳繛鍏肩墬缁绘稑顔忛鑽ょ泿缂備胶濮寸紞濠囧蓟閿濆绠涙い鎾跺仧缁侀攱绻濆▓鍨灈闁活厼鍊搁~蹇撁洪鍕獩婵犵數濮撮崯浼村矗閸℃稒鈷戞繛鑼额嚙楠炴牠鏌涙繝鍌滀虎闁伙絽鍢茬叅妞ゅ繐瀚崝锕€顪冮妶鍡楃瑐闂傚嫬绉电粋宥呪堪閸喓鍘甸梺缁樺灦閿氶柣蹇嬪劦閺屽秷顧侀柛鎾寸懅缁辩偞绻濋崒銈呮闂佺懓澧庨悺鏃堝极閸℃稒鐓曢柡鍥ュ妼婢т即鏌涘Ο缁樺€愰柡宀嬬秬缁犳盯寮撮悙鏉挎憢婵$偑鍊栧▔锕傚礋椤忓棛鐣惧┑鐘绘涧閸婃悂骞夐敓鐘冲亗闁告劦鍠楅崑鈩冪箾閸℃绠版い蹇婃櫊閺岋綀绠涢幙鍐ㄦ闂侀€炲苯澧叉い顐㈩槸鐓ら柡宓懏娈惧銈嗗笒鐎氼剟鎮¢垾鎰佺唵闁兼悂娼ф慨鍥╃磼閻橆喖鍔氶棁澶愭煥濠靛棭妲规繛鍛矊椤法鎲撮崟顒傤槬闂佸疇顫夐崹鍫曠嵁婵犲洦鐓曞┑鐘插暞缁€瀣殽閻愯榫氱紒鐘崇☉閳藉鈻庤箛搴f殫濠电姷鏁搁崑鐐哄垂椤栫偛鍨傛繛宸簻绾惧綊鏌i姀鐘冲暈闁绘挶鍎茬换婵嬫濞戞瑯妫﹀銈呭椤ㄥ懘鈥﹂懗顖f闂侀潻缍囩紞浣割嚕婵犳碍鏅柛鏇樺妼娴滈箖鏌ㄥ┑鍡涱€楀ù婊呭仦缁绘盯宕f径瀣攭闂佸搫澶囬埀顒€纾弳鍡涙倵閿濆骸澧伴柨娑氬枑缁绘稓鈧數枪椤庢挾绱掗悩铏碍闁伙絽鍢查オ浼村幢閳哄倐褔姊绘笟鈧埀顒傚仜閼活垱鏅堕鐐村仺妞ゆ牓鍊楃弧鈧悗娈垮枦椤曆囶敇婵傜ǹ閱囨い鎰剁秵閳ь剙娲缁樻媴閸涘﹤鏆堥梺鍦归悥鐓庣暦濠靛洦鍎熼柨婵嗘-濞肩喖姊虹紒妯哄闁圭⒈鍋婇悰顕€濮€閳ヨ尙绠氬銈嗙墬婢规洟骞忛埄鍐闁告瑥顦伴崐鎰叏婵犲啯銇濈€规洘绮撻獮鎾诲箳瀹ュ洤鍤┑鐘垫暩閸嬫稑顕i崼鏇熷亱婵犲﹤瀚悵鍫曟煛閸ャ儱鐏╅梺瑁ゅ€栨穱濠囧Χ閸曨喖鍘¢梺鍛娚戦幃鍌氼潖濞差亜宸濆┑鐘插€搁~鍥⒑閸涘﹥鐓ラ悗娑掓櫊瀵尙鎹勭悰鈩冾潔闂侀潧楠忕槐鏇㈠储娴犲鈷戦悷娆忓閸斻倖銇勯弴銊ュ箹閻撱倝鏌熺紒銏犳灍闁绘挻鐟﹂妵鍕籍閳ь剟寮告繝姘殌闁秆勵殕閻撴瑦銇勯弮鍌涙珪闁瑰啿瀚伴弻銊モ槈濞嗗繐顫岄梺瀹狀潐閸ㄥ灝鐣烽崡鐑嗘建闁糕剝顨嗛弳銏$節閻㈤潧啸闁轰礁鎲¢幈銊╂偨閸撳弶鏅╅梺鍝勭▉閸樿偐绮eΔ鍛厸鐎广儱楠搁獮鏍棯閹呯Ш闁哄本绋栭ˇ铏亜閵娿儲鍤囬柟閿嬪灴閹垽宕楅懖鈺佸箺闂備礁鎼崯顐﹀磹閻㈢ǹ绠柨鐔哄У閻撴稑霉閿濆浜ら棅顒夊墴閺岋紕浠﹂崜褉妲堥梺瀹狀潐閸ㄥ灝鐣烽崡鐐嶆梹绻濇担璇℃綗闂傚倸鍊烽懗鑸电仚濡炪倖鍨靛Λ婵嬬嵁閹版澘绠瑰ù锝呮憸閸樻挳姊虹涵鍛涧缂佺姵鍨块悰顕€濮€閿涘嫮顔曢梺绯曞墲閿氬┑顔肩墛閵囧嫰寮埀顒€煤閻斿娼栫紓浣股戞刊鎾煕濞戞﹫榫氱痪顓涘亾闂傚倷鑳舵灙缂併劍妞藉畷鎰攽閸℃瑦娈鹃悷婊呭鐢宕戦崟顖涚厾闁肩⒈鍓欓惃鎴犵磽瀹ュ嫮顦﹂柣锝夋敱缁轰粙宕ㄦ繝鍌欑盎缂傚倷绀侀鍛存倶濠靛洤顕遍幖娣灮缁♀偓閻庡吀鍗抽弨鍗烆熆濮椻偓閸┾偓妞ゆ帊绀佹慨宥団偓瑙勬礃閸ㄥ潡鐛Ο鑲╃闁绘ḿ鏁搁悾鐐繆閻愵亜鈧牠宕濊瀵板﹥銈i崘銊у幈闂佸湱鍎ら幐椋庢崲閸℃稒鐓曟繛鍡楁禋濡茬ǹ鈹戦鑲┬ч柡灞稿墲閹峰懐鎲撮崟顐わ紦闂備浇妗ㄩ悞锕傚箲閸ヮ剙鏋侀柟鍓х帛閺呮悂鏌ㄩ悤鍌涘 Simplified Chinese Email this article news.gov.hk
LCQ5: Development of innovation and technology industry

     Following is a question by the Hon Martin Liao and a written reply by the Secretary for Innovation and Technology, Mr Nicholas W Yang, in the Legislative Council today (February 17):


     While the Hong Kong Government's direction of committing itself to the development of innovation and technology has gained recognition in society, there are queries that the local legislation has not kept pace with the new emerging innovative business models and that the Government has failed to properly address the conflicts between such business models and the inherent ones. It has been reported that some young entrepreneurs from the innovation and technology sector recently told the Chief Executive face to face that there were too many restrictions in the local legislation, which has hindered the development of the innovation and technology industry. The examples mentioned on that occasion included the development of Uber Internet car calling services, autonomous driving technology and Internet finance. The entrepreneurs concerned also expressed their hope that the Innovation and Technology Bureau could assume the role of a co-ordinator to resolve the legislation-related problems faced by them in the development of the innovation and technology industry. In this connection, will the Government inform this Council:

(1) whether the authorities know the innovation and technology projects or areas the development of which in Hong Kong was hindered as a result of legislation-related problems in the past five years; if they know, of the projects or areas concerned and the details of the hindrance to their development; the policy bureaux/government departments which handled such cases, the way they handled them and the handling results (set out such information by year);

(2) whether the authorities will take the initiative to liaise with the various stakeholders of the innovation and technology industry (including the academia, the research sector and the industry) to assess and identify the innovation and technology projects (e.g. provision of services under the innovative business models of sharing economy and micropayment) the development of which is in conflict with the existing legislation or business models; of the criteria based on which the authorities will address such conflicts; and

(3) whether the authorities will assume the role of a co-ordinator to help remove the conflicts between the local legislation and the development of the innovation and technology industry; if they will, whether the authorities will establish a specific mechanism to address such conflicts, collect the views of the industry and, when the cases involve areas under the purviews of a number of government departments, co-ordinate the joint efforts of such departments in addressing the problems concerned?



     Having consulted the relevant policy bureaux, our consolidated reply to the three parts of the question is as follows:

     The Government does not have statistical information on innovation and technology (I&T) areas the development of which in Hong Kong was hindered as a result of legislation-related issues.  However, we note that there have been some discussions in society recently on certain I&T applications, such as the application of technologies in the areas of transport and finance.

     The Government is open-minded in respect of the application of new technologies in the area of transport, including the use of mobile applications for calling vehicles for hire or reward.  However, all services operated on different technologies or platforms must be lawful and most importantly, have regard to the interest and safety of passengers. Under the current law, car owners (including individuals or companies) interested in using their private cars for carriage of passengers for hire or reward may apply for a hire car permit in respect of the private car to legally provide hire car service.

     To address the community's demand for diversified point-to-point personalised services, the Transport and Housing Bureau and Transport Department are studying the introduction of premium taxi service under the Public Transport Strategy Study with a view to providing the public an alternative other than ordinary taxis.

     As regards financial services, the Government notes that the application of financial technologies (Fintech) is wide and has far-reaching impacts on the industry's long-term development.  As one of the world's most important international financial centres, Hong Kong has immense potential to develop Fintech.  Fintech development requires an ecosystem conducive to innovation.  The Government set up a Steering Group on Fintech in April last year to study the potential of Fintech and measures required to develop Hong Kong into a Fintech hub in collaboration with the industry, research institutes, and the regulatory authorities.  We will continue to work closely with all stakeholders to look into measures to promote the development of Fintech.  The Government and regulatory authorities will strike a reasonable balance between regulation and promotion of Fintech development, and strive to enhance the competitiveness of the financial services industry.

     In fact, we note that certain I&T projects, such as hire car "sharing" services, have brought about controversies around the world.  As these I&T projects often require adjustments of the existing ecosystems, involving a number of stakeholders and having extensive and far-reaching implications, governments and regulatory authorities worldwide are still studying these complex matters and have yet to come up with a unified solution.  The relevant policy bureaux will make reference to the developments and experiences in other regions in handling these matters, taking into account the actual situation and needs of Hong Kong, and having regard to the interest and safety of the general public, and will consider the relevant measures at an appropriate time, so as to promote diversified economic development, and make people's living more comfortable, convenient and safe.  The rule of law is the core value of Hong Kong, and any industry, including the I&T industry, must operate in a lawful manner.

     In the process of developing I&T, the Innovation and Technology Bureau will closely work with all stakeholders in the Government, industry, academia and research sectors for better promotion and co-ordination, and will provide support and advice to relevant policy bureaux and departments from I&T perspective.

Ends/Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Issued at HKT 14:32


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