缂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹閹间礁纾归柟闂寸绾惧綊鏌熼梻瀵割槮缁炬儳缍婇弻鐔兼⒒鐎靛壊妲紒鐐劤缂嶅﹪寮婚悢鍏尖拻閻庨潧澹婂Σ顔剧磼閻愵剙鍔ょ紓宥咃躬瀵鎮㈤崗灏栨嫽闁诲酣娼ф竟濠偽i鍓х<闁绘劦鍓欓崝銈嗙節閳ь剟鏌嗗鍛姦濡炪倖甯掗崐褰掑吹閳ь剟鏌f惔銏犲毈闁告瑥鍟悾宄扮暦閸パ屾闁诲函绲婚崝瀣уΔ鍛拺闁革富鍘奸崝瀣煕閵娿儳绉虹€规洘鍔欓幃娆忣啅椤旇棄鐦滈梻渚€娼ч悧鍡椢涘Δ鍐當闁圭儤鎸舵禍婊堟煥閺傝法浠㈢€规挸妫涢埀顒侇問閸犳鎮¢敓鐘叉槬闁跨喓濮寸壕鍏肩節婵犲倹鍣芥俊鎻掓喘濮婄粯鎷呴崷顓熻弴闂佹悶鍔忓Λ鍕幓閼愁垼妲婚梺鐑╂閸欏啫顫忕紒妯诲闁告盯娼х紞濠囥€侀弽顓炲窛妞ゆ挸娲︾粙鎴g亙闂佸憡渚楅崢娆撳Ψ閳哄倻鍘甸梺缁樺灦钃遍悘蹇曟暩缁辨帡鍩﹂埀顒勫磻閹惧绡€婵炲牆鐏濋弸鐔兼煥閺囨娅婄€规洏鍨洪妶锝夊礃閵娿儱浜堕梻浣圭湽閸ㄥ綊骞夐敓鐘茬厱闁瑰濮风壕钘壝归敐鍜佹綘妞ゅ繐鐗婇崐鍫曟煥閺囩偛鈧湱鈧艾鎳樺娲敆閳ь剛绮旈悽鍛婂亗闁告劦鍠楅埛鎴︽煕椤垵娅橀柛搴$箳缁辨帒顪冮敃鈧幊鎰婵傜ǹ绾ч柛顐g☉婵″吋绻涢幖顓炴珝闁哄本鐩崺鐐哄箚瑜屾竟鏇炩攽閿涘嫬浜奸柛濠冪墱閺侇喗绻濋崶銊ユ畱闂佸憡鎸风粈浣规叏椤掑嫭鐓冪憸婊堝礈閻斿娼栨繛宸簻缁犲綊鏌i幇顓炵祷濠殿喖鐭傚娲川婵犲啰鍙嗛梺娲诲幖閸婂灝鐣峰ú顏勭劦妞ゆ帊闄嶆禍婊堟煙閻戞ê鐏ラ柍褜鍓欑紞濠傤嚕閹剁瓔鏁嗛柛鏇ㄥ墰閸樻悂鏌h箛鏇炰哗妞ゆ泦鍕箚濠靛倸鎲¢悡鍐偡濞嗗繐顏╅柣蹇擃嚟閳ь剝顫夊ú鏍х暦椤掑嫬鐓″鑸靛姇缁犮儱霉閿濆娅滃瑙勬礀閳规垶骞婇柛濠冩礋楠炲﹨绠涘☉娆忎簵濠电偞鍨崹娲磹閻㈠憡鐓ユ繝闈涙椤庢顭胯閸o綁寮婚敍鍕ㄥ亾閿濆骸浜炴繛鍙夋尦閺屸€崇暆鐎n剛锛熸繛瀵稿缁犳挸鐣峰⿰鍡╂Ч闂侀€炲苯澧悽顖ょ節瀵顓奸崼顐n€囬梻浣告啞閹稿爼宕濇惔锝嗩潟闁绘劕鎼獮銏′繆椤栨壕鎷℃繛鍙夋倐濮婃椽宕滈幓鎺嶇凹濠电偛寮堕悧婊勭珶閺囥垹閿ゆ俊銈勮兌閸樻悂姊洪崨濠傚闁告柨瀛╅弲璺衡槈閵忥紕鍘介梺瑙勫劤椤曨厼煤閹绢喗鐓欐い鏃€鏋婚懓鍧楁煙椤旂晫鎳勯柨娑欏姇閳规垿宕卞鍡楁暢濠电姷鏁告慨鐢割敊閺嶎厼绐楅柡宥庡幖绾惧綊鏌涜椤ㄥ懘鎷戦悢鍏肩厽闁哄啫鍊甸幏锟犳煛娴i潻韬柡灞剧☉閳规垿宕卞Δ濠佹闂備胶枪椤戝棝骞愰幖浣哥厴闁硅揪绠戦獮銏$箾閸℃ê濮堟い鏃€娲熷缁樻媴閸涘﹨纭€闂佺ǹ绨洪崐婵嗙暦瑜版帗鍋勯柤鑼皑缂嶄礁鐣锋總鍛婂亜缂佸鐏濇导搴㈢節瀵伴攱婢橀埀顒佸姍瀹曟垿骞樼紙鐘电畾濡炪倖鍔х徊楣冨煕閹烘挷绻嗛柛娆忣槸婵秹鏌℃担瑙勫磳闁轰焦鎹囬弫鎾绘晸閿燂拷 Simplified Chinese Email this article news.gov.hk
Ling Lung Cantonese Opera Troupe to pay tribute to Cantonese opera playwright Lee Siu-wan

     The Ling Lung Cantonese Opera Troupe will perform the late Cantonese opera playwright Lee Siu-wan's renowned works "A Sword Story", "Auspicious Signs" and "The Tragic Love of Lady Ping" in May. Details are as follows:

"A Sword Story"
Theatre, Ko Shan Theatre
7.30pm, May 8 (Friday)
Tickets: $100, $160, $220 and $280
Cast: Ng Chin-fung, Tang Mi-ling, Chan Hung-chun, Lui Hung-kwong, Sun Kim-long and Cheng Wing-mui.

     While practicing martial arts in Pengshan, Shangguan Ziyu receives a letter from home urging him to return for marriage. But things take a tragic turn as the entire family is killed, leaving only a woollen ball with a golden wild goose insignia as a clue. Shangguan cannot marry while in mourning. He and his fiancée Murong Wanqin observe three years' mourning in a cottage before the marriage takes place. After three years, the murderer is still at large. Murong forges a sword for her fiancé with which to avenge his family. Shangguan finally discovers who the murderer is and kills him to avenge his deceased parents. However, the story takes a twist as the man Shangguan kills turns out to be Murong's father.

"Auspicious Signs"
Auditorium, Tai Po Civic Centre
7.30pm, May 16 (Saturday)
Tickets: $100, $160 and $220
Cast: Ng Chin-fung, Tang Mi-ling, Wan Yuk-yu, Lui Hung-kwong, Yuen Siu-fai and Wang Kit-ching.

     Hongluan starts out as a fairy serving the Queen Mother of the West in the Heavenly Jade Pool. But for the sin of desiring love like mortals she is relegated to earth, where she engages in a relationship with a mortal man.

     Two princeling brothers vie for Hongluan's love. Princeling Chen is handsome and attracts Hongluan. In their infatuated state, they succumb to their passions, resulting in Hongluan's pregnancy. Later, the unattractive Princeling Hong carries out a plot in which Hongluan nearly marries him, and Chen nearly marries Hongluan's plain elder sister Honglian by mistake. In the end Hong admits his wrongdoings and withdraws from the love triangle. Hongluan and Chen tie the knot. When Hongluan returns to her celestial ranks, she realises that mortal love is only ephemeral and inferior to the eternal well-being of heaven. She delivers her son on earth and bids farewell to the mortal world for good.

"The Tragic Love of Lady Ping"
Auditorium, Tuen Mun Town Hall
7.30pm, May 23 (Saturday)
Tickets: $100, $160, $200 and $240
Cast: Ng Chin-fung, Tang Mi-ling, Chan Hung-chun, Lui Hung-kwong, Song Hongbo and Ko Lai.

     The Han Emperor Wendi has admired Pingji, the daughter of Minister Bai Sharen, for her beauty for a long time. When Pingji's brother Weilang returns to court after being defeated in battle, Emperor Wendi suggests that if Pingji is to be offered to him as imperial concubine, he will spare the entire family from death. However, General Sima Jianhua and Pingji are lovers and Pingji is already pregnant.

     On the day Pingji gives birth, she pretends to reject Sima, who in a moment's rage marries Princess Fenglou. Six years later, Princess Fenglou learns of the secret affair between Sima and Pingji in the past, and kills their son. Pingji blames herself for her son's death and drowns herself in a river.

     Lee Siu-wan developed an interest in Cantonese opera when he was young. With a strong literary background, he was a regular with music groups before he turned to writing libretti for Cantonese opera. His talent came to the notice of Cantonese opera legend Sit Kok-sin, who invited him to pen scripts for his Kok Sin Sing Cantonese Opera Troupe. The collaboration included "The Return of the Swallows", "When a Lover Becomes a Stranger", "Cao Zhi", "Jealousy" and "Rekindled Love". Lee also wrote "The Knight of Knights" and "The Tragic Love of Lady Ping" for the Sing Lee Nin Opera Troupe and Ho Fei-fan, both of which won critical acclaim.

     "A Selection of Cantonese Opera by Lee Siu-wan" is presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department. Tickets are now available at URBTIX. Half-price tickets are available for senior citizens aged 60 or above, people with disabilities and their minders, full-time students and Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) recipients (limited tickets for full-time students and CSSA recipients are available on a first come, first served basis.)

     A post-performance talk (to be conducted in Cantonese) will be held at 7.30pm on May 29 (Friday) at AC1, Level 4, Administration Building, Hong Kong Cultural Centre. Speakers will include Ng Chin-fung and Tang Mi-ling. Admission is free with limited seats available on a first-come, first-served basis.

     For programme enquiries, please call 2268 7325 or visit www.lcsd.gov.hk/CE/CulturalService/Programme/en/chinese_opera/program_798.html. Ticketing enquiries can be made on 3761 6661 and telephone credit card bookings on 2111 5999. Tickets can also be booked online at www.urbtix.hk.

Ends/Monday, March 16, 2015
Issued at HKT 11:01


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