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Police operation against failure to wear seatbelt on public light bus

     Police conducted a territory-wide operation yesterday (February 12) to reinforce the wearing of seatbelts on public light bus (PLB) as part of an ongoing effort to encourage both drivers and passengers to protect themselves from injury.

     The operation, which started in the early morning and ended at midnight yesterday, resulted in the issue of 21 verbal warnings and 135 summonses to PLB passengers. In addition, eight fixed penalty tickets were issued to PLB drivers for failing to wear seatbelts.

     In 2014, there were a total of 1 034 traffic accidents involving PLB, resulting in 1 697 casualties. There was a decrease of five per cent and four per cent respectively when compared with 1 094 traffic accidents and 1 776 casualties in 2013.

     "The Force is committed to taking proactive action to reduce deaths and injuries arising from traffic accidents. Police will continue to enhance road safety through education, publicity and enforcement," a Police spokesman said.

     It is the personal responsibility of both passengers and drivers to ensure that they are securely fastened to their seats by means of a seatbelt where one is fitted, the spokesman said. A passenger or a driver who is found not wearing a seatbelt on a PLB is subject to a maximum fine of $5,000 and three months¡¯imprisonment.

Ends/Friday, February 13, 2015
Issued at HKT 18:35


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