缂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹閹间礁纾归柟闂寸绾惧綊鏌熼梻瀵割槮缁炬儳缍婇弻鐔兼⒒鐎靛壊妲紒鐐劤缂嶅﹪寮婚悢鍏尖拻閻庨潧澹婂Σ顔剧磼閻愵剙鍔ょ紓宥咃躬瀵鎮㈤崗灏栨嫽闁诲酣娼ф竟濠偽i鍓х<闁绘劦鍓欓崝銈囩磽瀹ュ拑韬€殿喖顭烽幃銏ゅ礂鐏忔牗瀚介梺璇查叄濞佳勭珶婵犲伣锝夘敊閸撗咃紲闂佺粯鍔﹂崜娆撳礉閵堝棛绡€闁逞屽墴閺屽棗顓奸崨顖氬Е婵$偑鍊栫敮鎺楀磹瑜版帒鍚归柍褜鍓熼弻锝嗘償閵忕姴姣堥梺鍛婄懃閸燁偊鎮惧畡鎵殾闁搞儜灞绢棥闂佽鍑界徊濠氬礉鐎n€兾旈崨顔规嫼闂侀潻瀵岄崢濂稿礉鐎n喗鐓曢柕濞垮劤缁夎櫣鈧娲橀崝娆撳箖濞嗗浚鍟呮い鏃囨閻︽粓姊绘笟鈧ḿ褔鎮ч崱妞㈡稑螖閸愵亞鐣堕梺鍦劋閹歌埖绂嶅⿰鍫熺叆闁哄倽娉曟禒銏⑩偓瑙勬尭濡盯鍩€椤掍緡鍟忛柛鐘愁殜閹繝鏁撻悩鍙夋К闂佽法鍠撴慨瀵稿閸忚偐绡€濠电姴鍊归崳鑺ヤ繆閹绘帗鍠樻慨濠勭帛閹峰懘宕烽鐔诲即闂備焦鎮堕崝蹇撐涢崟顐ゅ箵闁兼剚鍨煎Σ濠氭⒑閻戔晜顫婇柛娆忓暙椤繒绱掑Ο璇差€撻梺鍛婄洴濞佳呯礊婵犲洢鈧線寮介鐐茬獩濡炪倖鎸稿ú锔剧矙閹达絿浜欓梻浣告啞娓氭宕㈠▎鎾澄ㄩ柍鍝勫€婚崢鐢告⒑缂佹ê鐏﹂拑閬嶆倶韫囨洘鏆╃紒杈ㄥ浮閸╋箓鍩€椤掑嫬纾婚柟鎯ь嚟缁♀偓濠电偛鐗嗛悘婵嬪几閻斿吋鐓ラ柡鍥殕濞呭﹦鈧娲忛崹娲Χ閿濆绀冮柕濞垮劚娴滃爼姊绘担鍦菇闁搞劌缍婇獮澶愭晸閻樿尙鍘遍梺鐟邦嚟婵澹曢挊澹濆綊鏁愰崪浣圭稑濡炪倕绻愰悧濠囧磹閸洘鐓ラ柡鍥╁仜閳ь剙婀遍埀顒佽壘閹虫ê顫忓ú顏嶆晢闁逞屽墰缁棃鎮介崨濠備簵闂佸憡鍔﹂崰妤呭煕閹达附鐓曟い顓熷灥濞呮﹢鏌涙惔锛勭缂佽鲸甯掗—鍐晝閳ь剟骞婇幇顔碱棜濠靛倻枪缁狙囨煕椤愶絿鈽夊┑鈥冲悑缁绘盯骞栭鐐寸彎闂佸搫鏈惄顖炲春閻愬搫绠氱憸灞剧珶閺囩偐鏀介柨娑樺娴滃ジ鏌涙繝鍐⒈闁轰緡鍠楃换婵嬪炊閵娿儲鐣遍梻浣告啞閹搁绮堟担瑙勫弿妞ゆ帒瀚悡鍐喐濠婂牆绀堥柣鏂款殠濞兼牗绻涘顔荤盎缂佺姴缍婇弻锝夊箛椤撶偟绁锋繝娈垮枛閻倸顫忓ú顏勫窛濠电姴鍟伴崣鍡涙⒑濞茶骞栭柛濠傜仢閻e嘲煤椤忓嫮鍔﹀銈嗗笂闂勫秵绂嶅⿰鍫熺厵闁绘垶锚閻忋儵鏌嶈閸撴瑧绱炴繝鍌ゅ殨闁瑰墎鐡旈弫鍡涙煕閺囥劌澧伴柛妯绘倐閺岋綀绠涢弴鐐板摋濡炪倖娉﹂崟顏嗙畾婵犻潧鍊搁幉锟犳偂閸愵喗鍋℃繛鍡楃箰椤忊晠鏌h箛鎿冨殶闁逞屽墲椤煤閺嵮呮殾妞ゆ帒瀚悡鈥愁熆閼搁潧濮囩紒鐘劚闇夐柨婵嗩槹濞呮粌顭跨憴鍕闁宠鍨堕獮濠囨煕婵犲啯绀嬫鐐诧龚缁犳稑鈽夊▎蹇庣暗婵犵數鍋為崹顖炲垂濞差亜纾归柣銏犳啞閻撱儲绻濋棃娑欘棦妞ゅ孩顨呴…鑳檨闁革綇缍佸濠氭晬閸曘劌浜鹃柨婵嗛娴滅偞绻涢崣澶嬪唉闁哄备鈧磭鏆嗛悗锝庡墰閿涚喐绻涚€电ǹ顎撶紒鐘虫尭閻e嘲饪伴崱鈺傂ч梻渚€鈧偛鑻晶顖炴偨椤栥倗绡€鐎殿喛顕ч濂稿醇椤愶綆鈧洭姊绘担鍛婂暈闁圭ǹ鐖煎畷婵囨償閿濆棭娼熼梺缁樺姇閹碱偊鐛姀鈥茬箚妞ゆ牗澹曢幏鈩冪箾閸欏鍊愭慨濠冩そ瀹曟粓骞撻幒宥囧嚬婵犵數鍋涘鍫曟偋濠婂嫮鐝堕柡鍥ュ灩闁裤倖淇婇妶鍕厡闁告ɑ鎮傚娲川婵犲倸顫囬梺鍛婃煥鐎涒晠寮茬捄琛℃闁靛骏绱曢崢浠嬫⒑鐟欏嫬鍔ゆい鏇ㄥ幖鐓ら柟缁㈠枟閻撴瑦銇勯弮鈧弸濠氭嚀閸ф鐓欐い鏃傛櫕閹冲嫰鏌ㄥ☉娆忓闁宠鍨垮畷鍗烆潨閸℃鏆㈡繝鐢靛Х閺佸憡鎱ㄩ悽鍓叉晩闁哄稁鍘肩粣妤呮煛瀹ュ骸骞栫痪鎯х秺閺屾稖顦虫い銊ユ嚇閹锋垿鎮㈤崗鑲╁幗闂佸搫鍟崐鐢稿箯閿熺姵鐓涘ù锝夋交闊剟鏌$仦鍓р槈闁宠鍨垮畷鍗炍旀繝浣诡潟闂傚倷鑳舵灙妞ゆ垵妫濋獮鎰板箹娴e摜鍘撮梺纭呮彧缁犳垿鐛姀锛勭闁糕剝锚婵牊銇勯弮鈧ú鐔奉潖缂佹ɑ濯撮柛娑橈龚绾偓闂備胶枪缁ㄦ椽宕愬┑鍡欐殾鐟滅増甯楅崑鍕煠閼碱剙鐨戠紓宥勭閻i攱绺介崨濠備簻缂備礁顑呴悘婵囧鎼淬垻绡€鐎典即鏀卞姗€鍩€椤掍礁濮嶇€规洘鍨块獮妯肩礄閻樼數鐣炬俊鐐€栭崝褏寰婃ィ鍐ㄧ厱闁圭儤鎸风换鍡涙煕濞嗗浚妲稿┑顔肩Ч閺屸剝鎷呯憴鍕3闂佽桨鐒﹂幑鍥极閹剧粯鏅搁柨鐕傛嫹 Simplified Chinese Email this article news.gov.hk
Commission on Poverty convenes second meeting in its second term

     The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mrs Carrie Lam, chaired the second meeting of the Commission on Poverty (CoP) in its second term this afternoon (February 3).  At the meeting, the Chief Secretary for Administration briefed members on the poverty alleviation initiatives announced by the Chief Executive in his 2015 Policy Address.  Members also deliberated on the next step for retirement protection.   

     Members took note of the poverty alleviation initiatives put forward in the 2015 Policy Address.  The working priorities for poverty alleviation in 2015 are to continue to fully implement the poverty alleviation blueprint as announced in the 2014 Policy Address, explore ways to further improve retirement protection, as well as capitalise on the Community Care Fund (CCF) and the Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund to enhance the support to the underprivileged.

     Members also noted that the funding for the Low-income Family Allowance (LIFA) proposed in the Policy Address last year was approved by the Legislative Council in mid-January.  The Labour and Welfare Bureau is proceeding with the preparation work for the LIFA in full steam, with a view to launching the LIFA in the second quarter of 2016.  Before the implementation of the LIFA, the CCF would consider providing a one-off special subsidy for primary and secondary students on full grant under the School Textbook Assistance Scheme in the 2015/16 school year.

     At the meeting, members continued the discussion on the framework and arrangements of the public consultation on retirement protection, and reached preliminary consensus in a few areas.  Firstly, members considered that the consultation document should clearly explain the Government's stance on the future development of retirement protection in Hong Kong, but at the same time should not pre-empt the discussion on universal retirement protection in the community.  On this basis, members agreed that universal retirement protection should be covered in the consultation document.  Secondly, to facilitate focused discussion and analysis, most members agreed to present one single universal retirement protection proposal as the basis for analysis in the consultation document.  Thirdly, members considered that the consultation document should contain a concrete proposal on the means-tested non-universal retirement protection option providing targeted assistance for the elderly in need to facilitate public discussion.  The consultation document should also set out a simple and clear analytical framework for comparing the universal retirement protection proposal and the non-universal retirement protection proposal in various aspects such as their rationales, contents, implications and implementation, in order to assist the public to make a choice.

     Given that the Census and Statistics Department would release the updated population and labour projection sometime in the middle of this year, members agreed to make use of the latest projection figures and the projection method adopted in the report submitted by the consultancy team led by Professor Nelson Chow, to update the projection of the relevant proposal, as well as to explore the feasibility of extending the projection period.  

     To take the preparation work forward, members agreed to set up a working group under the CoP.  Having considered the lead time required for preparing the consultation document, the CoP expected the public consultation to be launched in the fourth quarter of this year.

     In addition, the CoP noted that the Subcommittee on Poverty under the Legislative Council passed a motion regarding the setting up of a task force on poverty alleviation at the district level under the CoP.  Members also learnt that there are existing mechanisms in the Government dealing with the district-oriented poverty alleviation work, including the development of bazaars.  The CoP will invite the Home Affairs Department to brief members on district-based poverty alleviation work.  The CoP agreed that it was not necessary to set up a dedicated task force under the CoP to follow up on the matters concerned at this stage.

Ends/Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Issued at HKT 20:17


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