The Home Affairs Department (HAD) received a total of 1 891 nomination forms for the 2015 Village Representative Election (VRE) and Kaifong Representative Election (KFRE) when the nomination period ended at 5pm today (November 27). They comprise 1 046 nominations for Indigenous Inhabitant Representative elections, 755 nominations for Resident Representative elections, and 90 nominations for KFRE.
A spokesman for the HAD said the name list of nominated candidates would be uploaded onto the Rural Representative Election website (www.had.gov.hk/rre) for public inspection. After vetting and verifying the eligibility of the candidates, the department will publish a gazette notice on valid nominations on December 11.
The 2015 VRE will be held on three consecutive Sundays on January 4, 11 and 18, 2015, while the KFRE will be held on January 25, 2015. A total of 189 538 and 9 137 electors are eligible to vote in the VRE and KFRE respectively.
The Elections involve a total of 709 villages and two market towns (i.e. Cheung Chau and Peng Chau) listed in the schedules of the Rural Representative Election Ordinance (Chapter 576). There are a total of 1 484 Village Representative seats, including 695 Resident Representative seats and 789 Indigenous Inhabitant Representative seats. In addition, there are 39 and 17 Kaifong Representative seats for Cheung Chau and Peng Chau respectively.
The last Village Ordinary Election was held in 2011, with 1 776 nomination forms received and 182 702 registered electors. The 2015 KFRE for Cheung Chau and Peng Chau will be held in accordance with the Rural Representative Election Ordinance (Chapter 576) for the first time.
Ends/Thursday, November 27, 2014
Issued at HKT 20:15