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Bun Carnival celebrates 10th anniversary

     The Climbing Carnival, one of the highlights of the 2014 Bun Carnival, will be held at the soccer pitch of Pak Tai Temple Playground, Cheung Chau, from noon to 6pm this Sunday (April 27). Members of the public can take the opportunity to climb on the bun tower to experience the pleasure of bun tower climbing.

     Interested members of the public at least 1 metre tall can participate in the "Bun Tower Climbing Play-in" by making on-site applications. They can then climb on the 14-metre-tall bun tower set up for the Bun Scrambling Competition and experience the fun of climbing and the atmosphere of the local tradition of the Cheung Chau Jiao Festival.

     Invitation relays, involving eight teams from local tertiary institutions, government departments and public utilities as well as commercial and industrial organisations, will also be staged. The fastest team to finish will be the winner.

     There will also be activities ranging from an exhibition on bun carnivals, game stalls, handicrafts to variety shows, as well as displays of winning works from the student colouring and drawing competitions. Members of the public can make wishes on the "Wishing Bun Tower" erected at the venue.

     This is the 10th anniversary of the Bun Carnival since its revival in 2005.

     Members of the China Hong Kong Mountaineering and Climbing Union will brief visitors on climbing skills. Visitors can learn more about the technical and safety aspects of bun tower climbing while enjoying a good time at the carnival.

     Jointly organised by the Hong Kong Cheung Chau Bun Festival Committee and the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD), the 2014 Bun Carnival is presented with the support of the Cheung Chau Wai Chiu County Association Limited, the Cheung Chau Rural Committee, the Islands District Office and the China Hong Kong Mountaineering and Climbing Union, and is sponsored by Lukfook Jewellery, Watsons Water and the Islands District Council.

     For enquiries on the above activities, please contact the Islands District Leisure Services Office of the LCSD on 2852 3220, or visit the department's website at www.lcsd.gov.hk .

Ends/Thursday, April 24, 2014
Issued at HKT 14:01


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