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CE discusses bilateral co-operation with leaders of PPRD provinces (with photos/videos)

     The Chief Executive, Mr C Y Leung, yesterday (November 30) arrived in Sanya, Hainan to attend the Pan-Pearl River Delta Regional Co-operation and Development Forum (PPRD Forum). He separately met with leaders of Hainan, Yunnan and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Sichuan and Fujian this afternoon to exchange views on how to further strengthen co-operation at the PPRD platform.

     During the meetings, the Chief Executive stressed that the new Special Administrative Region Government would further develop Hong Kong's economy in line with the steady, moderately promising principle, and make good use of the support from the Mainland.

     He particularly referred to the dedicated chapter for Hong Kong and Macao in the National 12th Five-Year Plan in which China had clearly expressed support to consolidate and enhance the status of Hong Kong as an international financial, trade and shipping centre. Mr Leung pointed out that Hong Kong and the PPRD region has ample space for co-operation in many areas.

     During the meeting with the Party Secretary of Hainan Province, Mr Luo Baoming and the Governor of Hainan Province, Mr Jiang Dingzhi, the Chief Executive was thankful to their hospitality and arrangements. Mr Luo noted that 400,000 people in Hong Kong are of Hainan origin which formed an important force to promote cross-strait exchanges and co-operation.

     The two sides also agreed to deepen co-operation in tourism, especially the development and promotion of multi-destination itineraries and cruise products. On the other hand, both sides can strengthen exchanges and co-operation in the areas of capital, talent and technology in promoting green economic development.

     At the meeting with the Governor of Yunnan Province, Mr Li Jiheng, the Chief Executive said both sides had rapid economic development in recent years. Mr Leung also noted that Yunnan is one of the largest sources of vegetables and fresh flowers to Hong Kong. Mr Li said with the support from the Central Government, Yunnan would develop into a cooperative bridgehead with the ASEAN. He hoped to make use of Hong Kong as a window for its commodities exporting into the international market as well as attracting more international capital to speed up the local development.

     During the meeting with the Chairman of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Mr Ma Biao, Mr Leung was of the view that Guangxi is a strategic location for co-operation between the Mainland and ASEAN countries. Since the establishment of the ASEAN ¡ª China Free Trade Area in 2010, the Mainland and ASEAN have been enjoying a fast growth in trade. Mr Leung said that Hong Kong is committed to taking part in this free trade area. The experience of international capital access in Hong Kong would help Guangxi attract more investment as well as going global.

     The Chief Executive and the Vice-Governor of Sichuan Province, Mr Liu Jie, in their meeting, reaffirmed the reconstruction works in Sichuan earthquake-stricken areas and agreed to further enhance co-operation in various aspects. Mr Leung also hoped that the New Tianfu City - focus on high-tech industries in Chengdu - would bring more investment opportunities for Hong Kong business sector while Mr Liu expected the manpower and experience from Hong Kong would boost the development of the new city.

     In meeting with the Vice-Governor of Fujian Province, Mr Ni Yuefeng, who proposed to extend the pilot implementation of Government policies under the Economic Co-operation Framework Agreement (ECFA) and the Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) to Fujian and Hong Kong, Mr Leung believed that it would enhance the trade relations between the Mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan. They also agreed to strengthen economic co-operation on developing marine economy.

     Mr Leung will attend a joint conference with leaders of the governments of the nine Pan-Pearl River Delta provinces and the Macao Special Administrative Region today and return to Hong Kong in the afternoon.

Ends/Saturday, December 1, 2012
Issued at HKT 00:16


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