The Rating and Valuation Department (RVD) today (May 27) reminded the public that proposals to alter the rateable value of properties from April 1 this year must be served on the Commissioner of Rating and Valuation by May 31. Proposals served after May 31 will not be accepted.
Proposals should be made on the specified form (R20A) and be served by post or in person. The public can also lodge proposals on electronic forms (e-R20A) using the "Electronic Submission of Forms" service provided on the department's website. Proposals sent by fax are not acceptable.
Notwithstanding the lodging of a proposal, rates and rent payers must pay rates and government rent by the last day for payment shown on the demand notes. The RVD will inform the proposers of its decisions before December 1. Any changes in rates and government rent payable resulting from such decisions will date back to April 1 this year and any overpayment will be adjusted in subsequent demands.
For enquiries, please call 2152 0111.
Ends/Sunday, May 27, 2012
Issued at HKT 11:01