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EPD to promote community recycling in Islands District (with photos)

     The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) today (March 31) launched two schemes, namely the "Islands Community Recycling Booths" scheme and the "Islands Food Waste Recycling Scheme" on Cheung Chau and at Yung Shue Wan on Lamma Island respectively, with the aim of engaging local residents and shop operators in waste reduction and recycling.

     To enhance waste recovery in Islands District, the EPD has rolled out the Islands Community Recycling Booths scheme on Cheung Chau and at Yung Shue Wan on Lamma Island to promote the recycling of items of relatively low commercial value, such as waste plastics, glass bottles, small waste electrical and electronic appliances, as well as to assist in transporting such recyclables to EcoPark in Tuen Mun or other facilities for proper treatment. Additionally, the EPD has launched the Islands Food Waste Recycling Scheme, which aims to involve shops and organisations in the recycling of food waste.  

     Speaking at the launch ceremony, the Assistant Director of Environmental Protection, Dr Ellen Chan, said, "Hong Kong is facing an imminent waste problem, and waste reduction at source remains the most effective way to tackle this problem. It not only relieves the pressure on landfills, but also turns waste into useful resources. The EPD is actively expanding the community recycling network to facilitate public participation in waste reduction at source and the collection of recyclables of relatively low commercial value so as to boost the recycling of these items in the industry.Ħħ

     Under the Islands Community Recycling Booths scheme, the EPD has set up community recycling booths in Cheung Chau town centre and along Yung Shue Wan Main Street on Lamma Island. Under the scheme, game stalls and display panels are used to spread the message of waste reduction, while the booths serve as collection and redemption points for recyclables of relatively low commercial value. The booths run every Thursday and Sunday from 1pm to 4pm on Cheung Chau, and every Friday and Saturday from 1pm to 4pm at Yung Shue Wan on Lamma Island.

     Under the Islands Food Waste Recycling Scheme, food premises, hostels and shops in Cheung Chau town centre and along Yung Shue Wan Main Street will be given free collection bins by the EPD for collecting food waste. Waste collection vehicles will deliver the food waste collected to refuse transfer facilities on Cheung Chau and at Yung Shue Wan on a daily basis. The food waste processors installed there, with a daily treatment capacity of 200kg and 100kg respectively, will decompose the food waste into organic fertilisers which will then be donated to local residents and community organisations for greening and resource regeneration on the islands. So far, a total of 14 shops and organisations have joined the scheme. The department has provided them with guidelines on food waste recycling and tips on good food waste management in order to enhance their knowledge of food waste reduction and recycling. Participating shops and organisations will be awarded certificates of appreciation in recognition of their contributions.

     Other officiating guests at today's ceremony included the Chairman of the Islands District Council, Mr Chow Yuk-tong; Chairman of the Cheung Chau Rural Committee, Mr Yung Chi-ming; and Director of Tai Po Environmental Association, Dr Yau Wing-kwong. They showed their full support for the recycling effort by bringing along recyclables like waste plastics, glass bottles and small waste electrical and electronic appliances for collection by the booths. They also presented certificates to representatives from shops and organisations taking part in the Islands Food Waste Recycling Scheme.

Ends/Saturday, March 31, 2012
Issued at HKT 16:31


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