The Chief Executive announced today (February 26) that an Independent Review Committee for the Prevention and Handling of Potential Conflicts of Interests will be set up.
The Independent Committee will comprise the Honourable Andrew Li Kwok-nang (Chairman), Mr Lawrence Fung, Professor Liu Pak-wai, Mr Thomas Brian Stevenson, and Mr Stephen Yau.
The Committee will review the existing regulatory frameworks and procedures for the prevention and handling of potential conflicts of interests concerning the Chief Executive, Non-Official Members of the Executive Council, and Officials under the Political Appointment System respectively, including the arrangements for declaration of investments/interests and acceptance of advantage/entertainment/hospitality. In light of the review, the Committee will make recommendations on the existing frameworks and procedures, including changes and revisions where appropriate.
The Committee will submit a report with recommendations to the Chief Executive in around three months' time.
The detailed terms of reference of the Committee are set out in the Annex.
Ends/Sunday, February 26, 2012
Issued at HKT 10:42