缂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹閹间礁纾归柟闂寸绾惧綊鏌熼梻瀵割槮缁炬儳缍婇弻鐔兼⒒鐎靛壊妲紒鐐劤缂嶅﹪寮婚悢鍏尖拻閻庨潧澹婂Σ顔剧磼閻愵剙鍔ょ紓宥咃躬瀵鎮㈤崗灏栨嫽闁诲酣娼ф竟濠偽i鍓х<闁绘劦鍓欓崝銈囩磽瀹ュ拑韬€殿喖顭烽幃銏ゅ礂鐏忔牗瀚介梺璇查叄濞佳勭珶婵犲伣锝夘敊閸撗咃紲闂佺粯鍔﹂崜娆撳礉閵堝洨纾界€广儱鎷戦煬顒傗偓娈垮枛椤兘骞冮姀銈呯閻忓繑鐗楃€氫粙姊虹拠鏌ュ弰婵炰匠鍕彾濠电姴浼i敐澶樻晩闁告挆鍜冪床闂備胶绮崝锕傚礈濞嗘挸绀夐柕鍫濇川绾剧晫鈧箍鍎遍幏鎴︾叕椤掑倵鍋撳▓鍨灈妞ゎ厾鍏橀獮鍐閵堝懐顦ч柣蹇撶箲閻楁鈧矮绮欏铏规嫚閺屻儱寮板┑鐐板尃閸曨厾褰炬繝鐢靛Т娴硷綁鏁愭径妯绘櫓闂佸憡鎸嗛崪鍐簥闂傚倷鑳剁划顖炲礉閿曞倸绀堟繛鍡樻尭缁€澶愭煏閸繃顥犵紒鈾€鍋撻梻渚€鈧偛鑻晶鎾煛鐏炶姤顥滄い鎾炽偢瀹曘劑顢涘顑洖鈹戦敍鍕杭闁稿﹥鐗滈弫顕€骞掑Δ鈧壕鍦喐閻楀牆绗掗柛姘秺閺屽秷顧侀柛鎾跺枛瀵鏁愰崱妯哄妳闂侀潧绻掓慨鏉懶掗崼銉︹拺闁告稑锕﹂幊鍐煕閻曚礁浜伴柟顔藉劤閻o繝骞嶉鑺ヮ啎闂備焦鎮堕崕婊呬沪缂併垺锛呴梻鍌欐祰椤曆囧礄閻e苯绶ゅ┑鐘宠壘缁€澶愭倵閿濆簶鍋撻鍡楀悩閺冨牆宸濇い鏃囶潐鐎氬ジ姊绘笟鈧ḿ鑽も偓闈涚焸瀹曘垺绺界粙璺槷闁诲函缍嗛崰妤呮偂閺囥垺鐓忓┑鐐茬仢閸斻倗绱掓径搴㈩仩闁逞屽墲椤煤濮椻偓瀹曟繂鈻庨幘宕囩暫濠电偛妫楀ù姘跺疮閸涱喓浜滈柡鍐ㄦ处椤ュ鏌i敂鐣岀煉婵﹦绮粭鐔煎焵椤掆偓宀h儻顦归柟顔ㄥ洤骞㈡俊鐐灪缁嬫垼鐏冮梺鍛婂姦娴滅偤鎮鹃崼鏇熲拺闁革富鍘奸崝瀣煙濮濆苯鐓愮紒鍌氱Т楗即宕奸悢鍝勫汲闂備礁鎼崐钘夆枖閺囩喓顩烽柕蹇婃噰閸嬫挾鎲撮崟顒€纰嶅┑鈽嗗亝閻╊垶宕洪埀顒併亜閹哄秶璐伴柛鐔风箻閺屾盯鎮╅幇浣圭杹闂佽鍣换婵嬪极閹剧粯鍋愰柛娆忣槹琚i梻鍌欐祰濞夋洟宕伴幘瀛樺弿閻庣數枪椤ユ岸鏌涜箛姘汗缂佲檧鍋撳┑鐘垫暩婵挳宕愯ぐ鎺戦棷闁兼亽鍎扮换鍡涙煙缂佹ê绗氶柛鐘成戦幈銊︾節閸曨厼绗¢梺鐟板槻閹虫ê鐣烽悜绛嬫晣闁绘棁顕ч崡鎶芥⒒閸屾瑧鍔嶉柟顔肩埣瀹曟繆绠涢幘鎰洴瀹曠喖顢曢妶鍛唽闂備礁鍚嬮崜姘跺垂閻撳宫锝嗙節濮橆厸鎷洪梺缁樺灍閺呮粓锝炴繝鍥ㄧ厱婵炲棗绻愰弳娆愩亜椤愩垻绠崇紒杈ㄥ笒铻i悹鍥ф▕閳ь剚鎹囧娲川婵犲嫭鍒涘┑鐐板尃閸涱垳顦繝鐢靛Т濞层垽鍩€椤戣法绐旂€殿喕绮欓、姗€鎮欓懠顒傚春濠碉紕鍋戦崐鏍箰缁嬫5娲晜閸撗呯厯闂佺鎻徊鎸庣濞嗘挻鈷掑ù锝呮啞閸熺偛銆掑顓ф疁鐎规洏鍨归埢搴ㄥ箻濠㈠嫨鍔戦弻宥夊传閸曨偀鍋撴繝姘偍闁汇垹鎲¢埛鎴犵磽娴e顏堟倶閿曞倹瀚呴梺顒€绉甸崐鍫曠叓閸ャ劍绀冮柡鍡忔櫇缁辨帗娼忛妸銉﹁癁闂佺硶鏅粻鎾诲春閳ь剚銇勯幒鎴濐仼缁炬儳顭烽弻鐔煎箚瑜滈崵鐔虹磼閳锯偓閸嬫挻绻濋悽闈涗粶闁绘妫濋幃妯衡攽鐎n亜鍤戦梺缁樻煥閸氬鎮¢妷鈺傜厸闁搞儺鐓堝▓鏇熺箾閸涱叏鍔熼柍褜鍓濋~澶娒鸿箛娑樺瀭婵炲樊浜滃洿闂佹寧绻傞ˇ顖滅矆閸愵喗鐓忓┑鐐茬仢閸旀艾霉濠婂啰鍩f慨濠勭帛閹峰懘宕烽鐔诲即闂備焦鎮堕崝宀€绱炴繝鍥╁祦濠㈣埖鍔栭弲鎼佹煟濡灝鐨洪柛姗€浜跺娲偡闁箑娈舵繝娈垮櫍椤ユ挻绔熼弴銏″癄濠㈣绻傜紞濠囧极閹版澘妞藉ù锝呮贡缁嬫垶淇婇悙顏勨偓鏇犳崲閹扮増鍋嬪┑鐘叉搐绾惧綊鏌涢锝嗙闁绘挶鍎甸弻锟犲炊閳轰椒绮堕梺閫炲苯澧繝鈧柆宥呯劦妞ゆ帊娴囨竟姗€鏌熼搹顐€顏堬綖韫囨拋娲敂瀹ュ棙娅岄梻渚€鈧偛鑻晶鎵磼椤旇姤顥堥柟顔荤矙瀹曘劍绻濋崒娆戞殫闂傚倷绀侀幉锟犲礉閿曞倸绐楁俊銈呮噹閻撴洟鏌熸潏楣冩闁绘挻娲橀妵鍕敇閻旈浠村┑鐐叉噺閿曘垽寮诲☉娆愬劅闁挎稑瀚濠勭磽娴d粙鍝洪悽顖涘浮閳ユ棃宕橀鑺ユ珖闂侀€炲苯澧存鐐诧躬楠炲洭顢欑喊杈棥濠电娀娼ч崐缁樼仚缂備胶瀚忛崶銊у幈濡炪倖鍔х徊鍧楀煡婢跺ň鏀介柍銉ュ暱閹垹绱掔紒妯兼创妤犵偞鐗犻、姗€鎮欑€电ǹ缍嗛梻鍌欑閹碱偊寮甸鍕剮妞ゆ牜鍋涢弰銉╂煟閹邦剚鎯堢紒鐘虫皑閹插摜浠﹂崜褏褰鹃梺鍝勬川閸嬫劙寮ㄦ禒瀣叆婵炴垶锚椤忊晛霉濠婂啨鍋㈤柡灞剧⊕缁绘繈宕橀鍕ㄦ嫛闂備浇妗ㄧ欢锟犲窗濡ゅ啯宕叉繝闈涱儏閻愬﹪鏌曟繛鍨姕闁伙綁浜跺缁樻媴閸涘﹤鏆堥梺瑙勬倐椤ユ挾鍒掗崼鐔稿閻熸瑥瀚鍨渻閵堝棗绗掗悗姘煎弮閹繝宕橀鍛瀾濠电姴锕ら悧鍡欑矆閸儲鐓熼柡鍌涱儥濞堢姵绻涢崗鑲╁缂佺粯绋戦蹇涱敊閼姐倗娉跨紓鍌欒兌婵绱炴繝鍥ц摕闁挎繂顦粻娑欍亜閹捐泛浠х紒渚€鏀辩换婵嗏枔閸喗鐏堥梺娲诲幖閸婃悂锝炶箛鎾佹椽顢旈崟顐ょ崺濠电姷鏁告慨鎾疮娴兼潙鐭楅柛鈩冪⊕閳锋垶绻涢懠棰濆殭妤犵偞鐗犻弻娑欑節閸屾粈铏庨梺浼欑到閸㈣尙鍙呭銈呯箰鐎氼噣宕濋敃鈧—鍐Χ閸℃鐟愰梻鍌氬缁夌數绮嬪鍛牚闁割偆鍠撻崢鐢告⒑缂佹ê鐏﹂柨姘舵煟韫囧鍔﹂柡灞界Х椤т線鏌涢幘瀵告噮缂佽京鍋炵换婵嬪磼閵堝懏顓块梻浣烘嚀婢у酣鎮洪弮鍫濇瀬闁糕剝绋掗悡鏇㈡煛閸ャ儱濡煎褌鍗抽弻娑樜熺紒妯衡偓鎰版煛瀹€瀣К缂佺姵鐩鎾倷閺夋寧鎲㈠┑锛勫亼閸婃牕鈻旈敃鍌氱妞ゅ繐妫涢悾鎯р攽閻樼粯娑ч柛濠冩倐楠炲鏁撻悩鍐蹭簵闂佸憡鍔﹂崰妤呭磻閳╁啰绠鹃柛鈩冾殘缁犵増銇勮箛濠冩珚闁哄矉缍€缁犳盯骞欓崘銊︻啀闂備線鈧偛鑻晶鍙夈亜椤愩埄妲搁悡銈夋煛瀹擃喖鎳忓▓鎯ь渻閵堝棗绗掗悗姘煎墴閹繝鍨鹃幇浣哄數闂佸吋鎮傚ḿ褎鎱ㄩ崶鈺冪<闁绘﹩鍠栭崝姘舵婢舵劖鐓ユ繝闈涙-濡茶绻涢崨顔剧煀妞ゎ叀娉曢幉鎾礋椤掑偆妲梻浣哥枃椤宕归崼鏇犲祦濠电姴娲﹂悡鏇炩攽閻樻彃鏆炵紒鈧€n偒娈介柣鎰嚋姒氨绱掗悩宕団槈闁宠棄顦埢搴ょ疀鎼达絾娈繝鐢靛Х閺佹悂宕戦悙鍝勫瀭妞ゆ牜鍋涢崹鍌涚箾瀹割喕绨荤痪鎯х秺閺岋綁濮€閻樺啿鏆堥梺缁樻尪閸庤尙鎹㈠┑瀣棃婵炴垶鐟Λ锕€顪冮妶鍛劉妞ゃ劌鎳橀垾锕傛嚄椤栵絾顎囬梻渚€娼荤紞鍥╃礊娴e壊鍤曞┑鐘崇閺咁剟鏌涢弴妯哄濞存粓绠栭弻銊モ攽閸℃侗鈧霉濠婂懎浠︾紒缁樼洴瀹曪絾寰勭€n亜鏀梻浣告惈婢跺洭鍩€椤掆偓绾绢參寮抽崱娑欏€甸柨婵嗛婢т即鏌ㄥ☉姘瀾缂佺粯绋撻埀顒傛暩鏋い搴㈡尵缁辨帡鎮╅搹顐㈢闂佷紮绲介崲鏌ャ偑娴兼潙骞㈤柍鍝勫€愯濮婄粯绗熼埀顒勫焵椤掑倸浠滈柤娲诲灡閺呭爼顢涢悙鏉戜缓濡炪倖鐗撻崐妤冨姬閳ь剟鎮楀▓鍨灕妞ゆ泦鍥舵晣濠靛倻枪闁卞洦銇勯幇鍓佺У闁逞屽墮濞差厼顫忕紒妯诲闁告稑锕ら弳鍫ユ⒑閸︻厐褰掓偉閻撳海鏆︽繝闈涙处閸庣喖鏌ㄥ┑鍡橈紞婵炶偐鍠栧铏圭磼濡搫顫岄梺鍦拡閸嬪﹪鎮伴鈧慨鈧柍銉ㄥ皺缁犳艾顪冮妶鍡欏濠㈣娲熼獮蹇涘焺閸愵亞顔曢梺鍛婄懃椤︿即宕愰幇顓熷弿濠电姴鍟妵婵堚偓瑙勬礃缁捇鐛幘璇茬鐎广儱娲ら崵顒€鈹戦悩鍨毄闁稿绋戦锝夊醇閺囩喎浜卞┑鐘诧工鐎氼噣鎮甸崼鏇熺厸闁搞儯鍎遍悘鈺呮⒑鐟併倕鈧牗绌辨繝鍥ч柛鏇ㄥ枛閸橈繝姊洪崨濞氭垿骞冮崒姘兼綎婵炲樊浜滃婵嗏攽閻樻彃鈧悂锝為崶顒佲拺闁告稑锕ラ悡銉╂倵濞戞帗娅婄€殿喛灏欓幑鍕偘閳╁喚娼旈梻渚€娼ф蹇曟閺囥垹鍌ㄥù鐘差儐閳锋垿鎮峰▎蹇擃仼闁告柣鍊栭妵鍕即閵娿儱绠归柣鎾卞€濋弻鐔虹磼閵忕姵鐏嶉梺缁樻尰閻燂箓濡甸崟顖氱睄闁逞屽墴瀵憡绻濆顓炴畬闂佺鍕垫畷闁绘挻鐟﹂妵鍕籍閸屾稒鐝梺鐟板暱鐎氫即寮婚妸銉㈡婵炲棗绻愰~宀勬⒑鐎圭媭娼愰柛銊ョ仢閻g兘宕¢悜鍡樺缓闂佺硶鍓濋〃鍡涘汲閵忥紕绡€闁汇垽娼у暩闂佽桨绀侀幉锟犲箞閵娾晜鍋ㄩ柛鎾冲级閺呪晠姊洪崫鍕枆闁告ǹ鍋愮划锝呂旈崨顔惧幐閻庡箍鍎辨鎼佺嵁閺嶎偆妫柟顖嗗懐楔闂佸搫鏈粙鏍囬搹顐犱簻闁靛ǹ鍎查崵鍥煙闁垮鐏撮柟顔哄灲瀹曟鎳栭埡浣哥闂傚倷绀侀幖顐﹀疮椤愶箑纾归柣銏⑶圭粻顖炴煥閻斿搫校闁绘挻绋戦湁闁挎繂顦版禍銈夋椤掑澧撮柡宀嬬磿娴狅箓宕滆濡插牓姊虹€圭媭娼愰柛銊ョ仢閻g兘宕¢悙宥嗘⒐缁绘繃鎷呯拠鈩冪稐闂傚倸鍊搁崐鐑芥嚄閼哥數浠氭俊鐐€栭崹闈浳涘┑瀣祦闁圭増婢樼粻鐟懊归敐鍛喐闁告ɑ鎸冲铏规兜閸涱喖娑х紓浣哄У閸ㄥ潡鎮伴鈧慨鈧柨娑樺椤旀洟姊虹化鏇炲⒉闁挎艾鈹戦鑲╁闁靛洤瀚板顕€鍩€椤掆偓鐓ら柣鏂款殠濞兼牜绱撴担鑲℃垶鍒婇幘顔界厱婵炴垶锕Λ姘辩棯椤撴稑浜鹃梻鍌氬€烽懗鑸电仚缂備降鍔嶅钘夌暦閹邦兘鏀介柛鈩冪懄濞堥箖鎮峰⿰鍛暭閻㈩垱顨婂畷鎴﹀礋椤栨稓鍘鹃梺鑲┾拡閸撴瑩鎯冮幋鐘电=鐎广儱瀚ˇ锕傛煟閿濆鏁辩紒杞扮矙瀹曘劍绻濋崒娆戠泿缂傚倸鍊风粈渚€顢栭崨瀛樺€舵繝闈涙搐椤曢亶骞栧ǎ顒€鐏紒鈾€鍋撻柣搴″悁閸楁娊寮ㄩ崡鐑嗙唵婵せ鍋撻柛鈹惧亾濡炪倖甯婄粈浣规叏瀹ュ洠鍋撶憴鍕闁搞劌娼¢悰顔嘉熼懖鈺冾槱闂佺粯岣块弫鎼佹偩閻愵兛绻嗛柣鎰典簻閳ь剚鐗犲畷婵婎槾鐎垫澘锕ラ妶锝夊礃閵娧冨箞闂備礁婀遍崕銈夊箰妞嬪孩宕查柛鈩冪⊕閻撴洘绻涢崱妤佺婵¤尙枪閳规垿顢欓懖鈹囨煛鐏炵ǹ澧查柟宄版噽閹叉挳宕熼銈忕处闂傚倷娴囧銊╂倿閿曞倸绠查柛銉墮閺嬩線鏌熼崜褏甯涢柡鍛倐閺屻劑鎮ら崒娑橆伓 Simplified Chinese Email this article news.gov.hk
EDB accepts recommendations in Report of Task Force to Review Learning and Teaching Materials

     The Secretary for Education, Mr Michael Suen, today (December 13) accepted the report submitted by the Task Force to Review Learning and Teaching Materials. The Task Force concluded that there is a need to open up the textbook market to encourage diversified development, so as to provide quality learning materials that offer value for money.

     "The Education Bureau set up the Task Force in June this year to examine and discuss in detail issues in connection with the debundling of textbooks and teaching materials. I have accepted the specific recommendations proposed by the Task Force and would like to express my sincere thanks to the Task Force members for their strenuous efforts and time," Mr Suen said.

     The Task Force opined that, to provide another option in the market, this is an opportune time to further implement e-learning. It  also suggested that e-learning resources move beyond their existing supportive role as resources to complement traditional printed textbooks to the more vital role of "e-textbooks".

     E-textbooks should form a complete and independent set of learning and teaching materials, and will be developed according to curriculum objectives, content and implementation requirements set by the Curriculum Development Council, as is the case with traditional printed textbooks. To assist schools in transitioning and adapting to the new learning mode, the Task Force recommends that the newly developed e-textbooks should provide a print-on-demand function that would allow teachers to print the contents of the textbooks on a needs basis.

     In view of the distortion and monopolisation in the traditional printed textbook market, the Task Force stressed the need to introduce competition in developing the e-textbook market. It therefore recommends that the Government should provide incentives and assistance to attract relevant organisations to join the market with the aim of developing quality and reasonably priced e-textbooks, and to provide users with greater choice of effective learning and teaching resources.

     "We will not introduce a mandatory e-learning policy. It will be implemented gradually depending on the capacity of teachers and students as well as the readiness of schools. Schools interested in adapting the new learning mode will be provided with adequate support.  We will take into account the Task Force's recommendations in formulating the related mechanism and measures to promote the development of e-textbooks. Details of the arrangement will be announced in the first quarter of next year," Mr Suen said.

     "The development of e-textbooks can provide an interactive and diversified learning mode. It can also enhance flexibility in compiling textbooks, as well as reduce the costs of production, printing, storage and logistics. Moreover, individual modules can be priced and put on sale separately, resulting in more affordable textbooks as customers can purchase individual modules according to their needs," he added.

     In addition, the Task Force considered that the existing review system for printed textbooks has been effective in ensuring the quality of textbooks. The Recommended Textbook List (RTL) is also widely accepted by schools as a reference in textbook selection. Therefore, the Task Force recommends that the textbook review system should be further improved to include new criteria so as to keep abreast of the latest developments. These criteria include comprehensive textbook content, suitability for independent use, textbook arrangements, and designs conducive for textbook recycling.

     In order to lessen publishers' risk and lower the entry barrier to the textbook market, the Task Force suggests that the textbook review process be improved by retaining the existing timetable of quarterly submission. Publishers should also be allowed to submit textbooks for a Key Stage (i.e. a three-year block) in batches (i.e. by year level) on a trial basis for subjects deemed appropriate. The Task Force also recommends the use of a "double-blind" system in conducting textbook reviews. Under the new arrangement, non-EDB external reviewers will not be given information on the publishers or writers of the textbooks being reviewed so as to enhance the objectivity and impartiality of the exercise.

     In addition to improving the textbook review system, the Task Force also recommends the enhancement of transparency of information in the RTL to provide consumers with more information on whether learning and teaching materials offer value for money. The Task Force is of the view that commentaries on textbooks can be included in the RTL to enhance transparency and provide more information to facilitate schools' selection of textbooks.  The commentaries will cover those areas of a textbook which score relatively good ratings on the core criteria in the textbook review.

     Moreover, the Task Force recommends that information on comparisons and changes of textbook prices be included in the RTL for parents' information and school's reference in the selection of textbooks.

     "We will implement the recommendations on improvement of the textbook review system in the next round of textbook submission and in the next school year when teachers will need to select textbooks," Mr Suen said.

     The Report of the Task Force to Review Learning and Teaching Materials has been uploaded onto the EDB's website (www.edb.gov.hk/index.aspx?nodeID=677&langno=1).

Ends/Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Issued at HKT 18:38


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