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Nominations for Election Committee Subsector Elections open tomorrow

     Nominations for the non-District Council subsectors of the 2011 Election Committee (EC) Subsector Elections will start tomorrow (November 8). The nomination period will end on November 15.

     "A nominee must be a registered geographical constituency elector aged 18 or above who is a registered voter for the relevant EC subsector or has a substantial connection with that subsector. Details on the qualification and disqualification for nomination as a candidate are set out in section 17 and sections 18 and 18A respectively of the Schedule to the Chief Executive Election Ordinance," a spokesman for the Registration and Electoral Office (REO) said today (November 7).

     "The completed nomination form and an election deposit of $1,000 must be submitted by the nominee in person to the respective Returning Officer within the nomination period. A nomination form must be subscribed by not less than five voters registered for the EC subsector concerned," he said.

     Nominations are accepted between 9am and 5pm from Monday to Friday and from 9am to noon on Saturday during the nomination period. The contact list of the Returning Officers is available on the election website (www.elections.gov.hk).

     Nomination forms can be downloaded from the election website or can be obtained at the District Offices, the offices of the Returning Officers and the REO office at 10/F Harbour Centre, 25 Harbour Road, Wan Chai.

     For each subsector, a poll will be held on December 11 if the number of validly nominated candidates exceeds the number of EC members allocated to that subsector.

     The nomination period for the Hong Kong and Kowloon District Councils subsector and the New Territories District Councils subsector will run from November 18 to 24.

     For enquiries, please call the election hotline on 2891 1001.

Ends/Monday, November 7, 2011
Issued at HKT 16:00


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