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HK Film Archive's Morning Matinee features Alan Tang in June (with photos)

    Alan Tang (1946-2011), who died recently, was a legendary figure in Hong Kong film. He shot to fame at the tender age of 18, starring in the film "The Student Prince" (1964) and quickly becoming a teen idol with his boyish charm and westernised persona. He moved to Taiwan in the 1970s and was paired frequently on-screen with the divas Brigitte Lin and Chen Chen in melodramas that won him legions of new fans. He made another smart career move in 1977 when he came back to Hong Kong to form his own film company, making action films in which he often starred and occasionally directed.

    To commemorate Tang's glorious career, four of his films will be featured at the Hong Kong Film Archive (HKFA) in its Morning Matinee series in June.

    The films include Tang's first film, "The Student Prince" (1964), the title of which went on to become his brand name; "The Splendid Love in Winter" (1974), which was directed by the superstar Patrick Tse and featured a heartfelt performance by Tang that demonstrated why he was a major heartthrob of his time; "Return Engagement" (1990), a tough hero film representing the high point of Tang's late career; and "The Colourful Ripples" (1975), a Taiwan film starring Tang and Chen Chen in one of their many on-screen pairings.

    The films will be shown at 11am on June 3, 10, 17 and 24, respectively, at the Cinema of the HKFA. "The Student Prince" and "The Colourful Ripples" are in Cantonese and Mandarin, respectively, without subtitles. "The Splendid Love in Winter" and "Return Engagement" are in Mandarin and Cantonese, respectively, will be shown with Chinese and English subtitles. There will also be a post-screening talk with director Joe Cheung for "Return Engagement". The post-screening talk will be conducted in Cantonese.    

    Tickets priced at $20 are available at URBTIX outlets. Half-price tickets are available for senior citizens aged 60 and above, people with disabilities, full-time students and Comprehensive Social Security Assistance recipients. Credit card bookings can be made at 2111 5999, or on the Internet at

    Detailed programme information can be obtained in the leaflet distributed at all performance venues of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department. For enquiries, please call 2739 2139 or 2734 2900, or browse the websites or

Ends/Friday, May 20, 2011
Issued at HKT 17:01


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