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Three ICAC investigators charged with Perverting the Course of Public Justice and Misconduct in Public Office

     Three Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) investigators today (March 11) have been charged by the Commercial Crime Bureau with 'Perverting the course of public justice' and 'Misconduct in public office' in relation to their handling of a 'Conspiracy to defraud' case.

     The defendants, a Chief Investigator, aged 46; a Senior Investigator, aged 38 and an Assistant Investigator, aged 42, each faces one count of 'Perverting the course of public justice' and one count of 'Misconduct in public office', both contrary to the Common Law.

     The defendants will appear at Eastern Magistracy at 9.30am on March 15 (Tuesday) awaiting subsequent transfer to the District Court for plea.

     The ICAC have rendered full assistance to the Police during its investigation.

     The defendants have been released on Court bail pending their court appearance next Tuesday.

Police Report No. 22
Issued by PPRB

Ends/Friday, March 11, 2011
Issued at HKT 19:04


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