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Speech by CS at opening ceremony of Business of Design Week Forum (English only)(with photos/video)

     Following is the speech by the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Henry Tang, at the opening ceremony of Business of Design Week Forum held at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre this morning (December 2):

Victor (Lo) [Chairman of Hong Kong Design Centre], Mr [Kazunori] Iizuka [President, Japan Industrial Design Promotion Organization], Mr [Yuji] Kumamaru [Consul-General, Consulate General of Japan in Hong Kong], Fred (Lam) [Executive Director, Hong Kong Trade Development Council], Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen:

     Good morning.

     It's my pleasure to join you this morning for the opening of the Business of Design Week (BODW) Forum.  

     A very warm welcome to all the participants from both near and afar, and particularly to all the guests from Japan, our Asian countries and other countries who are participating in this year¡¯s BODW.

     I would like to first apologise for making everybody wait for me for about 15 minutes this morning.  I came from another activity from faraway, and Hong Kong¡¯s traffic is heavier than usual.  I was told by my driver that when you are near Christmas, Chinese New Year or these major holidays, the traffic tends to be heavier.  I hope that  we will be able to time my activities better next time.  Please accept my sincere apologies.  

     This year we are very pleased to have Japan as our partner country.  As you know, Japan has an exceptional reputation for innovative brilliance.

     Since its launch in 2002, BODW has grown by leaps and bounds to become the largest annual event in Asia for design, innovation and brands ¡ª and now it is one of the major events of its kind in the world.  

     This year some 50,000 people are attending BODW. Among them are not only world-renowned creative minds but also about 240 industry journalists.

     We also have the best in the business taking part in this Forum.  So I would be preaching to the choir if I talk about how important design is to companies in this era of brands and heavy competition. We know design is vital for almost all areas of endeavour.

     Instead, I would like to talk about the many opportunities available in Hong Kong for firms in your industry.  

     First, Hong Kong serves as a bridge linking overseas companies to the Mainland, the largest and fastest growing market in the world.  The Pearl River Delta is right on our doorstep.  This makes Hong Kong the ideal base for companies keen to tap the Pearl River Delta ¡¯s enormous potential for the Mainland.

     Second, the Hong Kong Government is firmly committed to propel the expansion of our creative industries, of which the business of design is an integral part.  In fact, we have identified the creative sector as one of six new industries to power Hong Kong¡¯s continued economic growth and help us maintain our edge.

     We have also set up an office called Create Hong Kong ¡ª a one-stop shop, offering wide-ranging support to the creative sector.   

     We spare no effort to foster a climate conducive to the development of creative industries in Hong Kong.  Our goal is to raise the profile of our city as a creative capital in the region, and to act as a source of, and channel for design and creative services in the region.  

     New developments in this part of the world have helped us move faster towards our goal.  

     In January last year, the Central Government in Beijing announced plans to reform and develop the Pearl River Delta with the aim of establishing it as one of the most competitive regions in the world by 2020.
     In April this year, Hong Kong and Guangdong province signed a Framework Agreement to facilitate the free flow of people, goods, capital and information.

     The growth of industries in the Mainland has boosted the demand for design and creative services.  They recognise the importance of design as much as anybody.  That means abundant opportunities for all kinds of creative industry firms.  

     Hong Kong is well positioned to gain from bright new prospects at home and in our neighbourhood.  We are also a one-of-a-kind design. As you explore the geography of Hong Kong, you will be impressed by our futuristic architecture, our innovative use of the topography and our palpable dynamism.  We also have the West Kowloon Cultural District ¡ª as mentioned by Victor earlier - which is taking shape on prime waterfront real estate just across the harbour.  The whole community and indeed the whole world are looking on us to make this one of the most vibrant, creative art and culture and design hub.

     As Hong Kong accelerates its cultural and creative development, we welcome all of you to become a part of the action - not just to take part in it, but become part of us.

     I wish you all a stimulating Forum and an inspiring and happy stay in Hong Kong - Asia¡¯s World City. Please put a dent in your credit card here.

     Thank you.

Ends/Thursday, December 2, 2010
Issued at HKT 12:26


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