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Speech by SCS at the Secretary for the Civil Service's Commendation Awards Presentation Ceremony

     Following is the speech by the Secretary for the Civil Service, Miss Denise Yue, at the Secretary for the Civil Service's Commendation Awards Presentation Ceremony today (November 25) (English translation):

Distinguished guests, colleagues,

     Welcome to today's presentation ceremony.

     First of all, I would like to extend my warmest congratulations to colleagues awarded the Secretary for the Civil Service (SCS)'s Commendation. I take this opportunity to thank them for their contribution to the Government, their departments and the community.

     This is the seventh presentation ceremony held for the SCS' Commendation Award Scheme, which was introduced in 2004 to give deserving civil servants recognition for consistently outstanding performance in their daily work. There are altogether 72 awardees this year. They come from 33 bureaux and departments, and many of them are junior colleagues.

     The Administration highly values the contribution of our civil servants.  The Chief Executive also mentioned the contribution of the civil service colleagues in his recent Policy Address. He has pointed out that an effective government relies not only on political talent, but also on a professional and highly efficient civil service. Civic awareness among the public has been increasing, leading to rising demands and expectations on the Government. Our civil servants should remain as dedicated as ever to their duties. They should also spare no effort in delivering quality services to the people of Hong Kong and pursue excellence. I am confident that the civil service will continue to serve the public with dedication, commitment and the spirit of "putting people first".

     Lastly, may I once again express my sincere congratulations to each and every awardee.  

     Thank you.

Ends/Thursday, November 25, 2010
Issued at HKT 16:19


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