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SWD strives to prevent fraudulent claims for TAVA

     In response to press enquiries about a joint investigation by the Police and the Social Welfare Department (SWD) into fraudulent claims for the Traffic Accident Victims Assistance (TAVA) Scheme, a spokesman for the SWD said today (November 22) that the department would continue to strive to prevent the malpractice through a stringent vetting mechanism and enhanced inter-departmental co-operation.

     "The TAVA Scheme is implemented in accordance with the Traffic Accident Victims (Assistance Fund) Ordinance to provide speedy financial assistance to road traffic accident victims or their dependants in cases of death. The Scheme is applicable to the traffic accidents which have been reported to the Police and whose victim(s) either died or sustained injuries giving rise to at least three days' hospitalisation/sick leave as certified by a registered medical practitioner," he said.

     "In addition, the Traffic Accident Victims Assistance Section has put in place a vetting mechanism to examine the documents and information on the traffic accidents, and sick leave certificates provided by the claimants, coupled with communication with the Police, the Hospital Authority and the Department of Health.
     "Anyone who has falsified or concealed information with intent, or misled the authorities in the course of TAVA application will be referred to the Police for investigation. Prosecution will be taken against unlawful deeds, if any," he said.   

     The spokesman stressed that the Traffic Accident Victims Assistance Section had made every effort to follow up dubious cases. This could be seen in the increase in the number of referrals made to the Police from 11 and 15 cases in 2007/08 and 2008/09 to 79 cases in 2009/10.

     "We believe that the joint investigation and the Police's power of arrest serve as a deterrent. The two departments will conduct further operations, where necessary," the spokesman added.

Ends/Monday, November 22, 2010
Issued at HKT 19:12


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