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Speech by Acting Commissioner for Tourism at opening ceremony of InfoComm Asia 2010 (English only)

     Following is a speech by the Acting Commissioner for Tourism, Miss Rosanna Law, at the opening ceremony of InfoComm Asia 2010 today (November 17):

Dr (Randal) Lemke, Mr (James) Chia, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

     Good morning. It is a great pleasure to welcome back InfoComm Asia in Hong Kong.

     Building on the success in 2008, InfoComm Asia has returned to Hong Kong on an even bigger scale. With over 300 exhibitors from 27 countries, today's exhibition showcases the latest application of audio-visual (AV) and communications technology. I have no doubt participants from all parts of the world will find this major industry event very enlightening and promising.

     Hong Kong is at the forefront of AV and information technology (IT) development, and innovation and technology is one of the six industries designated for priority development. Since last year, Hong Kong's mobile phone services have become the most affordable in the world. Currently, our mobile subscriber penetration rate is over 180%, while the household broadband penetration rate is above 80%. After its launch in late 2007, our digital terrestrial television services now cover about 85% of the population. At the moment, we are gearing up for the provision of digital audio broadcasting and broadcast-type mobile TV services. Members of the public will soon be able to listen to a wider choice of digital radio programmes of high sound quality, and watch mobile TV anywhere in Hong Kong.

     Located at the southern tip of China, Hong Kong is the ideal marketplace for overseas buyers and suppliers from all sectors to meet their Mainland counterparts. Our robust protection for intellectual property, freedom of expression and information flow, as well as world-class IT and telecommunications infrastructure provide a favourable setting for creative and technology industries. Hong Kong's business-friendly environment, liberal visa regime, excellent connectivity with the world and high English proficiency furthermore make us an ideal place to conduct business.

     Being an international tourism, convention and exhibition capital, Hong Kong is naturally a major hub for technology shows, and we are proud to be the home of InfoComm Asia. In addition, we have recently played host to CARTES in Asia, an exhibition on smart card and digital security technology which is very relevant to Hong Kong given our widespread application of such technology. At the moment, the Mobile Asia Congress, which gathers top leaders of the mobile communications industry from across the globe, is being held in town for the second time. In early 2011, the Asian Aerospace International Expo and Congress will be staged here for the third time. A fly-by of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner over the Victoria Harbour is now being planned.

     Ladies and gentlemen, with a booming Asian economy, the business opportunities before us are immense. In the first three quarters of this year, over 890,000 visitors have come to Hong Kong for corporate meetings, incentive travels, conventions and exhibitions, a 25% growth as compared with 2009. Besides meeting top technology experts and developers, I hope that you will also experience our diverse tourism offerings while in Hong Kong. As Asia's world city, we embody a unique blend of Chinese and Western heritage that I am sure will give you an unforgettable experience.

     Let me extend our warm welcome to you again, and wish InfoComm Asia another resounding success. Thank you.

Ends/Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Issued at HKT 12:26


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