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CE conveys Hong Kong people's concerns over hostage incident

     The Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang, today (November 13) conveyed Hong Kong people's grave concerns over the Manila hostage incident to the President of the Philippines, Mr Benigno Aquino III, at the margin of the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Economic Leaders' Meeting.

     During the conversation, Mr Tsang said that Hong Kong people were shocked and saddened by the incident and were watching closely how the case was being followed up.

     "We are anxious to see justice done in the investigation work undertaken by the Philippine authorities and the actions taken against the people involved. We hope the Philippine Government would fulfill its pledge to be accountable to the victims."

     Noting that the Philippine Government had released its review on the investigation report, which set out actions to be taken against the people involved, Mr Tsang said the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government was disappointed by the review results but would still like to know the progress of the actions.

     The Chief Executive noted that a review was being conducted by the Philippine authorities on the mechanism and procedures for handling similar incidents.  He hoped that the review would come up with concrete improvement measures, so as to restore Hong Kong people's confidence in travelling to the Philippines.

     The Chief Executive told President Benigno Aquino III that the Coroner in Hong Kong would decide whether to conduct an inquest into the deaths arising from the incident and if the Coroner decides to hold an inquest, assistance might be required from the Philippine authorities during the proceedings.

     The President expressed his understanding of the concerns of the HKSAR Government and the people of Hong Kong over the incident.

Ends/Saturday, November 13, 2010
Issued at HKT 13:21


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