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CS visits integrated family service centre (with photos/video)

     The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Henry Tang, today (November 10) visited the Hong Kong Family Welfare Society Tseung Kwan O (South) Integrated Family Service Centre, to learn more about their work in supporting the community and assisting the underprivileged.

     Mr Tang met with carers on the Neighbourhood Support Child Care Project and discussed their work and the operation of the project. He was pleased to know that the project has been well received by parents and carers, as both groups saw the benefits of easing the burden on working parents and fostering mutual help in the neighbourhood.

     Mr Tang said that in view of the satisfactory results of the pilot scheme, the Government has decided to allocate additional resources to extend the coverage of the project from the current 11 districts to all 18 districts.

     During his visit, a family support services working group conducted a workshop on parent-child relationships during puberty. Mr Tang shared his personal experience as a parent.

     Mr Tang then met with social workers of the centre to talk about their work on the front line and listen to their views and recommendations on strengthening support for the underprivileged. He also sought their views on the mission of the Community Care Fund to be set up by the Government. He emphasised that the Fund would work in close partnership with social welfare organisations and social workers, so as to ensure that the Fund would be put to best use to help those in need.

     Since its establishment in 1949, the Hong Kong Family Welfare Society has offered a range of social welfare services for individuals and families in need, including integrated family services, youth services, integrated elderly and community support services and child care services.

Ends/Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Issued at HKT 18:50


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