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Proposals invited for implementation of Internet Learning Support Programme

     The Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) today (May 18) invited proposals from interested organisations for the implementation of the Internet Learning Support Programme.      

     A spokesman for OGCIO said: "As announced by the Financial Secretary in his Budget Speech 2010-11, the Government proposes to adopt a two-pronged approach to help primary and secondary school students from low-income families with Internet learning, which includes granting these families a subsidy for Internet access charges and encouraging the market to provide them with economical Internet services.

     "To enhance the take-up of online learning at home by students from low-income families, we will launch a five-year programme to help them acquire suitable and affordable computers and Internet access, and to provide the necessary training and technical support to the students and their parents. The programme will be managed by a non-profit-making organisation, which will work closely with community organisations, educators, Internet service providers, IT suppliers and government agencies to develop a package of solutions to make available the services to these families in a cost-effective manner," the spokesman said.

     Subject to its agreement on the submitted funding proposal and business plan, the Government will sign a legally binding funding and operation agreement with the selected non-profit-making organisation.  

     Interested organisations may now submit their proposals for implementing the programme. The closing date for submission of proposals is July 5, 2010.

     The invitation document and relevant information are available at the OGCIO's website (

Ends/Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Issued at HKT 15:31


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